module documentation

Tests for large portions of twisted.mail.

Class AbstractMaildirDomainTests Tests for twisted.mail.maildir.AbstractMaildirDomain.
Class AddressAliasTests Tests for twisted.mail.alias.AddressAlias.
Class AliasTests Undocumented
Class BounceTests Undocumented
Class BounceWithSMTPServerTests Tests for twisted.mail.mail.BounceDomain with twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPServer.
Class DirectoryQueueTests Undocumented
Class DomainWithDefaultsTests No class docstring; 4/5 methods documented
Class DummyDomain Test domain for AddressAliasTests.
Class DummyProcess Undocumented
Class DummyQueue A fake relay queue to use for testing.
Class DummySmartHostSMTPRelayingManager A fake smart host to use for testing.
Class empty Undocumented
Class FailingMaildirMailboxAppendMessageTask Undocumented
Class FileMessageTests Undocumented
Class LineBufferMessage Undocumented
Class LiveFireExerciseTests Undocumented
Class MaildirAppendFileTests Tests for MaildirMailbox.appendMessage when invoked with a str.
Class MaildirAppendStringTests Tests for MaildirMailbox.appendMessage when invoked with a str.
Class MaildirDirdbmDomainTests Tests for MaildirDirdbmDomain.
Class MaildirMessageTests Tests for the file creating by the mail.maildir.MaildirMessage.
Class MaildirTests No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 2/5 methods documented
Class MailServiceTests Undocumented
Class ManagedRelayerTests Undocumented
Class Manager Undocumented
Class MockAliasGroup An alias group using MockProcessAlias.
Class MockProcessAlias An alias processor that doesn't actually launch processes.
Class MXTests Tests for mail.relaymanager.MXCalculator.
Class ProcessAliasTests Tests for alias resolution.
Class RelayerTests Undocumented
Class RelayTests Undocumented
Class ServiceDomainTests No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 1/9 method documented
Class StringListMailboxTests Tests for StringListMailbox, an in-memory only implementation of pop3.IMailbox.
Class StubAliasableDomain Minimal testable implementation of IAliasableDomain.
Class StubProcess Fake implementation of IProcessTransport.
Class TestAuthority Undocumented
Class TestDomain Undocumented
Class VirtualPOP3Tests Undocumented
Function setUpDNS Undocumented
Function tearDownDNS Undocumented
Class _AppendTestMixin Mixin for MaildirMailbox.appendMessage test cases which defines a helper for serially appending multiple messages to a mailbox.
Class _AttemptManagerTests Test the behavior of _AttemptManager.
def setUpDNS(self): (source)


def tearDownDNS(self): (source)
