class documentation

An FSSetClock is a IReactorFDSet and an IReactorClock.

Method __init__ Undocumented

Inherited from Clock:

Method advance Move time on this clock forward by the given amount and run whatever pending calls should be run.
Method callLater See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime.callLater.
Method getDelayedCalls See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime.getDelayedCalls
Method pump Advance incrementally by the given set of times.
Method seconds Pretend to be time.time(). This is used internally when an operation such as IDelayedCall.reset needs to determine a time value relative to the current time.
Class Variable rightNow Undocumented
Instance Variable calls Undocumented
Method _sortCalls Sort the pending calls according to the time they are scheduled.

Inherited from ReactorFDSet (via Clock):

Method getReaders Return the list of file descriptors currently monitored for input events by the reactor.
Method getWriters Return the list file descriptors currently monitored for output events by the reactor.
Method removeAll Remove all readers and writers.
Method removeReader Removes an object previously added with addReader.
Method removeWriter Removes an object previously added with addWriter.
Instance Variable addReader I add reader to the set of file descriptors to get read events for.
Instance Variable addWriter I add writer to the set of file descriptors to get write events for.
Instance Variable _readers A set of IReadDescriptor providers which the reactor is supposedly monitoring for read events.
Instance Variable _writers A set of IWriteDescriptor providers which the reactor is supposedly monitoring for write events.
def __init__(self): (source)
