module documentation

Tests for twisted.pair.tuntap.

Class EthernetRecordingProtocol A protocol which merely records the datagrams delivered to it.
Class FakeDeviceTestsMixin Define a mixin for use with test cases that require an _IInputOutputSystem provider. This mixin hands out MemoryIOSystem instances as the provider of that interface.
Class FakeTapDeviceTests Run various tap-type tunnel unit tests against an in-memory I/O system.
Class FakeTapDeviceWithPITests Run various tap-type tunnel unit tests against an in-memory I/O system with the PI header enabled.
Class FakeTunDeviceTests Run various tun-type tunnel unit tests against an in-memory I/O system.
Class FSSetClock An FSSetClock is a IReactorFDSet and an IReactorClock.
Class IOSystemTestsMixin Tests that apply to any _IInputOutputSystem implementation.
Class IPRecordingProtocol A protocol which merely records the datagrams delivered to it.
Class MemoryIOSystemTests General _IInputOutputSystem tests applied to MemoryIOSystem.
Class ReactorFDSet An implementation of IReactorFDSet which only keeps track of which descriptors have been registered for reading and writing.
Class RealDeviceTestsMixin Define a mixin for use with test cases that require an _IInputOutputSystem provider. This mixin hands out TestRealSystem instances as the provider of that interface.
Class RealDeviceWithoutProtocolInformationTests Run various tap-type tunnel unit tests, with "protocol information" (PI) turned off, against a real I/O system.
Class RealDeviceWithProtocolInformationTests Run various tap-type tunnel unit tests, with "protocol information" (PI) turned on, against a real I/O system.
Class RealIOSystemTests General _IInputOutputSystem tests applied to _RealSystem.
Class TapHelper A helper for tests of tap-related functionality (ethernet-level tunnels).
Class TapTests Tests for TuntapPort when used to open a Linux tap tunnel.
Class TestRealSystem Add extra skipping logic so tests that try to create real tunnel devices on platforms where those are not supported automatically get skipped.
Class TunHelper A helper for tests of tun-related functionality (ip-level tunnels).
Class TunnelAddressEqualityTests Tests for the implementation of equality (== and !=) for TunnelAddress.
Class TunnelAddressTests Tests for TunnelAddress.
Class TunnelDeviceTestsMixin A mixin defining tests that apply to _IInputOutputSystem implementations.
Class TunnelTests Tunnel is mostly tested by other test cases but some tests don't fit there. Those tests are here.
Class TunnelTestsMixin A mixin defining tests for TuntapPort.
Class TuntapPortTests Tests for TuntapPort behavior that is independent of the tunnel type.
Class TunTests Tests for TuntapPort when used to open a Linux tun tunnel.
Variable platformSkip Undocumented
platformSkip: Optional[str] = (source)
