class documentation

Mixin defining tests for string receiving protocols with a recvd attribute which should be settable by application code, to be combined with IntNTestCaseMixin on a TestCase subclass

Method makeMessage Return data prefixed with message length in protocol.structFormat form.
Method test_recvdChanged In stringReceived, if recvd is changed, messages should be parsed from it rather than the input to dataReceived.
Method test_recvdContainsRemainingData In stringReceived, recvd contains the remaining data that was passed to dataReceived that was not part of the current message.
Method test_recvdInLengthLimitExceeded The IntNStringReceiver.recvd buffer contains all data not yet processed by IntNStringReceiver.dataReceived if the lengthLimitExceeded event occurs.
Method test_switching Data already parsed by IntNStringReceiver.dataReceived is not reparsed if stringReceived consumes some of the IntNStringReceiver.recvd buffer.
def makeMessage(self, protocol, data): (source)

Return data prefixed with message length in protocol.structFormat form.

def test_recvdChanged(self): (source)

In stringReceived, if recvd is changed, messages should be parsed from it rather than the input to dataReceived.

def test_recvdContainsRemainingData(self): (source)

In stringReceived, recvd contains the remaining data that was passed to dataReceived that was not part of the current message.

def test_recvdInLengthLimitExceeded(self): (source)

The IntNStringReceiver.recvd buffer contains all data not yet processed by IntNStringReceiver.dataReceived if the lengthLimitExceeded event occurs.

def test_switching(self): (source)

Data already parsed by IntNStringReceiver.dataReceived is not reparsed if stringReceived consumes some of the IntNStringReceiver.recvd buffer.