module documentation

Test cases for twisted.protocols.basic.

Class ConsumingProtocol Protocol that really, really doesn't want any more bytes.
Class ExcessivelyLargeLineCatcher Helper for LineReceiverLineLengthExceededTests.
Class FileSenderTests Tests for basic.FileSender.
Class FlippingLineTester A line receiver that flips between line and raw data modes after one byte.
Class Int16Tests Test case for int16-prefixed protocol
Class Int32Tests Test case for int32-prefixed protocol
Class Int8Tests Test case for int8-prefixed protocol
Class IntNTestCaseMixin TestCase mixin for int-prefixed protocols.
Class LineOnlyReceiverTests Tests for twisted.protocols.basic.LineOnlyReceiver.
Class LineOnlyTester A buffering line only receiver.
Class LineReceiverLineLengthExceededTests Tests for twisted.protocols.basic.LineReceiver.lineLengthExceeded.
Class LineReceiverTests Test twisted.protocols.basic.LineReceiver, using the LineTester wrapper.
Class LineTester A line receiver that parses data received and make actions on some tokens.
Class LPTestCaseMixin No class docstring; 0/2 class variable, 2/2 methods documented
Class NetstringReceiverTests Tests for twisted.protocols.basic.NetstringReceiver.
Class OnlyProducerTransport Transport which isn't really a transport, just looks like one to someone not looking very hard.
Class ProducerTests Tests for basic._PausableMixin and basic.LineReceiver.paused.
Class RecvdAttributeMixin Mixin defining tests for string receiving protocols with a recvd attribute which should be settable by application code, to be combined with IntNTestCaseMixin on a TestCase subclass
Class TestInt16 A basic.Int16StringReceiver storing received strings in an array.
Class TestInt32 A basic.Int32StringReceiver storing received strings in an array.
Class TestInt8 A basic.Int8StringReceiver storing received strings in an array.
Class TestMixin Undocumented
Class TestNetstring Undocumented