class documentation

class EventReactor: (source)

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Partial IReactorCore implementation with simple event-related methods.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method addSystemEventTrigger Undocumented
Method callWhenRunning Undocumented
Method removeSystemEventTrigger Undocumented
Instance Variable triggers A list of pending system event triggers.
Instance Variable _running A bool indicating whether the reactor is pretending to have been started already or not.
def __init__(self, running): (source)


def addSystemEventTrigger(self, phase, event, trigger): (source)


def callWhenRunning(self, function): (source)


def removeSystemEventTrigger(self, handle): (source)


triggers: list = (source)

A list of pending system event triggers.

_running = (source)

A bool indicating whether the reactor is pretending to have been started already or not.