module documentation

Tests for twisted.enterprise.adbapi.

Class ADBAPITestBase Test the asynchronous DB-API code.
Class ConnectionPoolTests Unit tests for ConnectionPool.
Class ConnectionTests Tests for the Connection class.
Class DBTestConnector A class which knows how to test for the presence of and establish a connection to a relational database.
Class DummyConnectionPool A testable ConnectionPool;
Class EventReactor Partial IReactorCore implementation with simple event-related methods.
Class FakePool A fake ConnectionPool for tests.
Class FirebirdConnector Undocumented
Class MySQLConnector Undocumented
Class NonThreadPool Undocumented
Class PsycopgConnector Undocumented
Class PyPgSQLConnector Undocumented
Class PySQLite2Connector Connector that uses pysqlite's SQLite database support.
Class ReconnectTestBase Test the asynchronous DB-API code with reconnect.
Class SQLite3Connector Connector that uses the stdlib SQLite3 database support.
Class TransactionTests Tests for the Transaction class.
Function makeSQLTests Make a test case for every db connector which can connect.
Variable simple_table_schema Undocumented
def makeSQLTests(base, suffix, globals): (source)

Make a test case for every db connector which can connect.

baseBase class for test case. Additional base classes will be a DBConnector subclass and unittest.TestCase
suffixA suffix used to create test case names. Prefixes are defined in the DBConnector subclasses.
simple_table_schema: str = (source)
