class documentation

This class sets up a bunch of test cases which will test both deferredGenerator and inlineCallbacks based generators. The subclasses DeferredGeneratorTests and InlineCallbacksTests each provide the actual generator implementations tested.

Method testBasics Test that a normal deferredGenerator works. Tests yielding a deferred which callbacks, as well as a deferred errbacks. Also ensures returning a final value works.
Method testBuggy Ensure that a buggy generator properly signals a Failure condition on result deferred.
Method testHandledTerminalAsyncFailure Just like testHandledTerminalFailure, only with a Deferred which fires asynchronously with an error.
Method testHandledTerminalFailure Create a Deferred Generator which yields a Deferred which fails and handles the exception which results. Assert that the Deferred Generator does not errback its Deferred.
Method testNothing Test that a generator which never yields results in None.
Method testStackUsage Make sure we don't blow the stack when yielding immediately available deferreds.
Method testStackUsage2 Make sure we don't blow the stack when yielding immediately available values.
def testBasics(self): (source)

Test that a normal deferredGenerator works. Tests yielding a deferred which callbacks, as well as a deferred errbacks. Also ensures returning a final value works.

def testBuggy(self): (source)

Ensure that a buggy generator properly signals a Failure condition on result deferred.

def testHandledTerminalAsyncFailure(self): (source)

Just like testHandledTerminalFailure, only with a Deferred which fires asynchronously with an error.

def testHandledTerminalFailure(self): (source)

Create a Deferred Generator which yields a Deferred which fails and handles the exception which results. Assert that the Deferred Generator does not errback its Deferred.

def testNothing(self): (source)

Test that a generator which never yields results in None.

def testStackUsage(self): (source)

Make sure we don't blow the stack when yielding immediately available deferreds.

def testStackUsage2(self): (source)

Make sure we don't blow the stack when yielding immediately available values.