module documentation

Tests for twisted.internet.defer.deferredGenerator and related APIs.

Class BaseDefgenTests This class sets up a bunch of test cases which will test both deferredGenerator and inlineCallbacks based generators. The subclasses DeferredGeneratorTests and InlineCallbacksTests each provide the actual generator implementations tested.
Class DeferredGeneratorTests No class docstring; 0/1 class variable, 1/8 method documented
Class DeprecateDeferredGeneratorTests Tests that DeferredGeneratorTests and waitForDeferred are deprecated.
Class InlineCallbacksTests No class docstring; 7/14 methods documented
Exception TerminalException Undocumented
Function deprecatedDeferredGenerator Calls deferredGenerator while suppressing the deprecation warning.
Function getOwie Undocumented
Function getThing Undocumented
def deprecatedDeferredGenerator(f): (source)

Calls deferredGenerator while suppressing the deprecation warning.

fFunction to call
Return value of function.
def getOwie(): (source)


def getThing(): (source)
