class documentation

class ReentrantProducer(DummyProducer): (source)

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Similar to DummyProducer, but with a resumeProducing method which calls back into an IConsumer method of the consumer against which it is registered.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method resumeProducing Undocumented
Instance Variable consumer The consumer with which this producer has been or will be registered.
Instance Variable methodArgs The arguments to pass to the consumer method invoked in resumeProducing.
Instance Variable methodName The name of the method to call on the consumer inside resumeProducing.

Inherited from DummyProducer:

Method pauseProducing Undocumented
Method stopProducing Undocumented
Instance Variable events The producer/consumer related events which have happened to this producer. Strings in this list may be 'resume', 'stop', or 'pause'. Elements are added as they occur.
def __init__(self, consumer, methodName, *methodArgs): (source)
def resumeProducing(self): (source)
consumer = (source)

The consumer with which this producer has been or will be registered.

methodArgs = (source)

The arguments to pass to the consumer method invoked in resumeProducing.

methodName = (source)

The name of the method to call on the consumer inside resumeProducing.