module documentation

Tests for lots of functionality provided by twisted.internet.

Class CallFromThreadStopsAndWakeUpTests No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 1/5 method documented
Class CallFromThreadTests Task scheduling from threads tests.
Class ChildResolveProtocol Undocumented
Class ConnectorReprTests Undocumented
Class DelayedTests No class docstring; 0/4 instance variable, 1/9 method documented
Class DummyProducer Very uninteresting producer implementation used by tests to ensure the right methods are called by the consumer with which it is registered.
Class MyFactory Sample factory.
Class MyProtocol Sample protocol.
Class PortStringificationTests Undocumented
Class ProducerTests Test abstract.FileDescriptor's consumer interface.
Class ProtocolTests Undocumented
Class ReentrantProducer Similar to DummyProducer, but with a resumeProducing method which calls back into an IConsumer method of the consumer against which it is registered.
Class ResolveTests Undocumented
Class SillyDescriptor A descriptor whose data buffer gets filled very fast.
Class SystemEventTests Tests for the reactor's implementation of the fireSystemEvent, addSystemEventTrigger, and removeSystemEventTrigger methods of the IReactorCore interface.
Class ThreePhaseEventTests Tests for the private implementation helpers for system event triggers.
Class TimeTests Tests for the IReactorTime part of the reactor.
Variable resolve_helper Undocumented
Variable ssl Undocumented
resolve_helper: str = (source)

