class documentation

class CapturingReporter: (source)

Implements interfaces: twisted.trial.itrial.IReporter

View In Hierarchy

Reporter that keeps a log of all actions performed on it.

Method __init__ Create a capturing reporter.
Method addError Do nothing. These tests don't care about addError.
Method addExpectedFailure Do nothing. These tests don't care about addExpectedFailure.
Method addFailure Do nothing. These tests don't care about addFailure.
Method addSkip Do nothing. These tests don't care about addSkip.
Method addSuccess Record that test passed.
Method addUnexpectedSuccess Do nothing. These tests don't care about addUnexpectedSuccess.
Method cleanupErrors called when the reactor has been left in a 'dirty' state
Method done Do nothing. These tests don't care about done.
Method startTest Report the beginning of a run of a single test method
Method stopTest Report the status of a single test method
Method wasSuccessful Do nothing. These tests don't care about wasSuccessful.
Class Variable args Undocumented
Class Variable separator Undocumented
Class Variable stream Undocumented
Class Variable tbformat Undocumented
Class Variable testsRun The number of tests that seem to have been run according to this reporter.
Instance Variable shouldStop A boolean indicating that this reporter would like the test run to stop.
Instance Variable _calls Undocumented
Instance Variable _publisher Undocumented
Instance Variable _rterrors Undocumented
Instance Variable _stream Undocumented
Instance Variable _tbformat Undocumented
def __init__(self, stream=None, tbformat=None, rterrors=None, publisher=None): (source)

Create a capturing reporter.

def addError(self, test, error): (source)

Do nothing. These tests don't care about addError.

def addExpectedFailure(self, test, failure, todo=None): (source)

Do nothing. These tests don't care about addExpectedFailure.

def addFailure(self, test, failure): (source)

Do nothing. These tests don't care about addFailure.

def addSkip(self, test, reason): (source)

Do nothing. These tests don't care about addSkip.

def addSuccess(self, test): (source)

Record that test passed.

def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test, todo=None): (source)

Do nothing. These tests don't care about addUnexpectedSuccess.

def cleanupErrors(self, errs): (source)

called when the reactor has been left in a 'dirty' state

errsa list of twisted.python.failure.Failures
def done(self): (source)

Do nothing. These tests don't care about done.

def startTest(self, method): (source)

Report the beginning of a run of a single test method

methodan object that is adaptable to ITestMethod
def stopTest(self, method): (source)

Report the status of a single test method

methodan object that is adaptable to ITestMethod
def wasSuccessful(self): (source)

Do nothing. These tests don't care about wasSuccessful.


separator = (source)



tbformat = (source)


testsRun = (source)

The number of tests that seem to have been run according to this reporter.

shouldStop: bool = (source)

A boolean indicating that this reporter would like the test run to stop.


_publisher = (source)


_rterrors = (source)



_tbformat = (source)
