module documentation


Class BreakingSuite A TestSuite that logs an error when it is run.
Class CapturingDebugger Undocumented
Class CapturingReporter Reporter that keeps a log of all actions performed on it.
Class DestructiveTestSuiteTests Test for runner.DestructiveTestSuite.
Class DryRunMixin Mixin for testing that 'dry run' mode works with various pyunit.TestCase subclasses.
Class DryRunTests Check that 'dry run' mode works well with Trial tests.
Class ErrorHolderTestsMixin This mixin defines test methods which can be applied to a runner.ErrorHolder constructed with either a Failure or a exc_info-style tuple.
Class ExcInfoHoldingErrorHolderTests Tests for runner.ErrorHolder behaving similarly to runner.TestHolder when constructed with a exc_info-style tuple representing its error.
Class FailureHoldingErrorHolderTests Tests for runner.ErrorHolder behaving similarly to runner.TestHolder when constructed with a Failure representing its error.
Class LoggedErrorsTests It is possible for an error generated by a test to be logged outside of any test. The log observers constructed by TestCase won't catch these errors. Here we try to generate such errors and ensure they are reported to a ...
Class MalformedMethodTests Test that trial manages when test methods don't have correct signatures.
Class PyUnitDryRunTests Check that 'dry run' mode works well with stdlib unittest tests.
Class QualifiedNameWalkerTests Tests for twisted.trial.runner._qualNameWalker.
Class RunnerDeprecationTests No class docstring; 1/1 class documented
Class RunnerTests No class docstring; 0/4 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 9/18 methods documented
Class SynchronousDryRunTests Check that 'dry run' mode works well with trial's SynchronousTestCase.
Class TestHolderTests No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 3/4 methods documented
Class TrialMainDoesNothingTests Importing twisted.trial.__main__ will not run the script unless it is actually __main__.
Class TrialRunnerTests Tests for runner.TrialRunner with the feature to turn unclean errors into warnings disabled.
Class TrialRunnerTestsMixin Mixin defining tests for runner.TrialRunner.
Class TrialRunnerWithUncleanWarningsReporterTests Tests for the TrialRunner's interaction with an unclean-error suppressing reporter.
Class TrialSuiteTests Undocumented
Class UncleanUntilFailureTests Test that the run-until-failure feature works correctly with the unclean error suppressor.
Class UntilFailureTests No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 4/5 methods, 1/1 class documented