class documentation

Tests for the reporting of successful tests in twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.

Method assertSuccessful Utility function -- assert there is one success and the state is plausible
Method setUp Setup our test case
Method test_defaultIsSuccessful The test case type can be instantiated with no arguments, run, and reported as being successful.
Method test_noReference Test that no reference is kept on a successful test.
Method test_successful A successful test, used by other tests.
Method test_successfulIsReported Test that when a successful test is run, it is reported as a success, and not as any other kind of result.
Instance Variable result Undocumented
def assertSuccessful(self, test, result): (source)

Utility function -- assert there is one success and the state is plausible

def setUp(self): (source)

Setup our test case

def test_defaultIsSuccessful(self): (source)

The test case type can be instantiated with no arguments, run, and reported as being successful.

def test_noReference(self): (source)

Test that no reference is kept on a successful test.

def test_successful(self): (source)

A successful test, used by other tests.

def test_successfulIsReported(self): (source)

Test that when a successful test is run, it is reported as a success, and not as any other kind of result.
