module documentation

Tests for the behaviour of unit tests.

Many tests in this module follow a simple pattern. A mixin is defined which includes test methods for a certain feature. The mixin is inherited from twice, once by a class also inheriting from SynchronousTestCase and once from a class inheriting from TestCase. These two subclasses are named like SynchronousFooTests and AsynchronousFooTests, where Foo is related to the name of the mixin. Sometimes the mixin is defined in another module, along with the synchronous subclass. The mixin is imported into this module to define the asynchronous subclass.

This pattern allows the same tests to be applied to the two base test case classes trial provides, ensuring their behavior is the same.

Most new tests should be added in this pattern. Tests for functionality which is intentionally only provided by TestCase, not SynchronousTestCase, is excepted of course.

Class AddCleanupMixin Test the addCleanup method of TestCase.
Class AsynchronousAddCleanupTests Test the addCleanup method of TestCase in the asynchronous case
Class AsynchronousClassTodoTests Tests for the class-wide expected failure features in the asynchronous case.
Class AsynchronousFixtureTests Tests for broken fixture helper methods in the asynchronous case
Class AsynchronousIterateTestsTests Check that _iterateTests returns a list of all test cases in a test suite or test case for asynchronous tests.
Class AsynchronousMonkeyPatchTests Tests for the patch() helper method in the asynchronous case.
Class AsynchronousSkipClassTests Test the class skipping features in the asynchronous case.
Class AsynchronousSkipMethodTests Tests for the reporting of skipping tests in the asynchronous case.
Class AsynchronousStrictTodoTests Tests for the expected failure case when the exact failure that is expected is indicated in the asynchronous case
Class AsynchronousSuccessTests Tests for the reporting of successful tests in the synchronous case.
Class AsynchronousSuiteClearingTests Tests for our extension that allows us to clear out a TestSuite in the asynchronous case.
Class AsynchronousSuppressionTests Tests for the warning suppression features of twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase
Class AsynchronousTestDecoratorTests Tests for our test decoration features in the asynchronous case.
Class AsynchronousTodoTests Test the class skipping features in the asynchronous case.
Class ClassTodoMixin Tests for the class-wide expected failure features of twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.
Class FixtureMixin Tests for fixture helper methods (e.g. setUp, tearDown).
Class GarbageCollectionDefaultTests By default, tests should not force garbage collection.
Class GarbageCollectionTests Test that, when force GC, it works.
Class GCMixin I provide a few mock tests that log setUp, tearDown, test execution and garbage collection. I'm used to test whether gc.collect gets called.
Class IterateTestsMixin _iterateTests returns a list of all test cases in a test suite or test case.
Class MonkeyPatchMixin Tests for the patch() helper method in unittest.TestCase.
Class ReactorCleanupTests Tests for cleanup and reporting of reactor event sources left behind by test methods.
Class ResultsTestMixin Provide useful APIs for test cases that are about test cases.
Class SkipClassesMixin Test the class skipping features of twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.
Class SkipMethodsMixin Tests for the reporting of skipping tests in twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.
Class StrictTodoMixin Tests for the expected failure features of twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase in which the exact failure which is expected is indicated.
Class SuccessMixin Tests for the reporting of successful tests in twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.
Class SuiteClearingMixin Tests for our extension that allows us to clear out a TestSuite.
Class SynchronousAddCleanupTests Test the addCleanup method of TestCase in the synchronous case
Class SynchronousClassTodoTests Tests for the class-wide expected failure features in the synchronous case.
Class SynchronousFixtureTests Tests for broken fixture helper methods in the synchronous case
Class SynchronousIterateTestsTests Check that _iterateTests returns a list of all test cases in a test suite or test case for synchronous tests.
Class SynchronousMonkeyPatchTests Tests for the patch() helper method in the synchronous case.
Class SynchronousSkipClassTests Test the class skipping features in the synchronous case.
Class SynchronousSkipMethodTests Tests for the reporting of skipping tests in the synchronous case.
Class SynchronousStrictTodoTests Tests for the expected failure case when the exact failure that is expected is indicated in the synchronous case
Class SynchronousSuccessTests Tests for the reporting of successful tests in the synchronous case.
Class SynchronousSuiteClearingTests Tests for our extension that allows us to clear out a TestSuite in the synchronous case.
Class SynchronousTestDecoratorTests Tests for our test decoration features in the synchronous case.
Class SynchronousTodoTests Test the class skipping features in the synchronous case.
Class TestDecoratorMixin Tests for our test decoration features.
Class TodoMixin Tests for the individual test method expected failure features of twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.
Class TrialGeneratorFunctionTests Tests for generator function methods in test cases.
Class UnhandledDeferredTests Test what happens when we have an unhandled deferred left around after a test.