class documentation

Fake IResponse for testing readBody that captures the protocol passed to deliverBody and uses it to make a connection with a transport.

Method __init__ No summary
Method deliverBody Record the given protocol and use it to make a connection with DummyResponse.transport.
Class Variable code Undocumented
Class Variable phrase Undocumented
Instance Variable headers Undocumented
Instance Variable protocol After deliverBody is called, the protocol it was called with.
Instance Variable transport An instance created by calling transportFactory which is used by DummyResponse.protocol to make a connection.
def __init__(self, headers=None, transportFactory=AbortableStringTransport): (source)
headers:HeadersThe headers for this response. If None, an empty Headers instance will be used.
transportFactoryA callable used to construct the transport.
def deliverBody(self, protocol): (source)

Record the given protocol and use it to make a connection with DummyResponse.transport.




protocol = (source)

After deliverBody is called, the protocol it was called with.

transport = (source)

An instance created by calling transportFactory which is used by DummyResponse.protocol to make a connection.