class documentation

Transport-to-Agent integration tests for both HTTP and HTTPS.

Method integrationTest Agent will make a TCP connection, send an HTTP request, and return a Deferred that fires when the response has been received.
Method test_integrationTestIPv4 Agent works over IPv4.
Method test_integrationTestIPv4Address Agent works over IPv4 when hostname is an IPv4 address.
Method test_integrationTestIPv6 Agent works over IPv6.
Method test_integrationTestIPv6Address Agent works over IPv6 when hostname is an IPv6 address.
def integrationTest(self, hostName, expectedAddress, addressType, serverWrapper=(lambda server: server), createAgent=client.Agent, scheme=b'http'): (source)

Agent will make a TCP connection, send an HTTP request, and return a Deferred that fires when the response has been received.

hostName:bytesThe hostname to interpolate into the URL to be requested.
expectedAddress:bytesThe expected address string.
addressType:typeThe class to construct an address out of.
serverWrapper:serverWrapper(twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocolFactory) -> twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocolFactoryA callable that takes a protocol factory and returns a protocol factory; used to wrap the server / responder side in a TLS server.
createAgent:createAgent(reactor) -> IAgentA callable that takes a reactor and produces an IAgent; used to construct an agent with an appropriate trust root for TLS.
scheme:bytesThe scheme to test, http or https
def test_integrationTestIPv4(self): (source)

Agent works over IPv4.

def test_integrationTestIPv4Address(self): (source)

Agent works over IPv4 when hostname is an IPv4 address.

def test_integrationTestIPv6(self): (source)

Agent works over IPv6.

def test_integrationTestIPv6Address(self): (source)

Agent works over IPv6 when hostname is an IPv6 address.