class documentation

A mixin for TestCase subclasses defining tests that apply to HTTPFactory and its subclasses.

Method factory Get the factory class to apply logging tests to.
Method test_combinedLogFormat The factory's log method writes a combined log format line to the factory's log file.
Method test_logFormatOverride If the factory is initialized with a custom log formatter then that formatter is used to generate lines for the log file.
def factory(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Get the factory class to apply logging tests to.

Subclasses must override this method.

def test_combinedLogFormat(self): (source)

The factory's log method writes a combined log format line to the factory's log file.

def test_logFormatOverride(self): (source)

If the factory is initialized with a custom log formatter then that formatter is used to generate lines for the log file.