module documentation

Tests for various parts of twisted.web.

Class AccessLogTestsMixin A mixin for TestCase subclasses defining tests that apply to HTTPFactory and its subclasses.
Class AllowedMethodsTests 'twisted.web.resource._computeAllowedMethods is provided by a default should the subclass not provide the method.
Class CombinedLogFormatterTests Tests for twisted.web.http.combinedLogFormatter.
Class ConditionalTests web.server's handling of conditional requests for cache validation.
Class DummyRequestForLogTest No class docstring; 0/5 class variable, 1/1 method documented
Class ExplicitHTTPFactoryReactor http.HTTPFactory accepts explicit reactor selection.
Class GettableResource Used by AllowedMethodsTests to simulate an allowed method.
Class GzipEncoderTests No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 7/8 methods documented
Class HeadlessResource A resource that implements GET but not HEAD.
Class HTTPFactoryAccessLogTests Tests for http.HTTPFactory.log.
Class LogEscapingTests No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 7/8 methods documented
Class NewRenderResource Undocumented
Class NewRenderTests Tests for server.Request.render.
Class NoContentResource A resource that always returns a 204 No Content response without setting Content-Length.
Class ProxiedLogFormatterTests Tests for twisted.web.http.proxiedLogFormatter.
Class RememberURLTests Tests for server.Site's root request URL calculation.
Class RequestTests Tests for the HTTP request class, server.Request.
Class ResourceTests Undocumented
Class RootResource Undocumented
Class ServerAttributesTests Tests that deprecated twisted.web.server attributes raise the appropriate deprecation warnings when used.
Class SessionTests Tests for server.Session.
Class SimpleResource No summary
Class SiteAccessLogTests Tests for server.Site.log.
Class SiteTest Unit tests for server.Site.
Class ZeroLengthResource A resource that always returns a zero-length response.
Function httpBody Undocumented
Function httpCode Undocumented
Function httpHeader Undocumented
def httpBody(whole): (source)


def httpCode(whole): (source)


def httpHeader(whole, key): (source)
