module documentation


Function get_content_length Returns the content length as an integer or ``None`` if unavailable or chunked transfer encoding is used.
Function get_current_url Recreate the URL for a request. If an optional part isn't provided, it and subsequent parts are not included in the URL.
Function get_host Return the host for the given parameters.
Function host_is_trusted Check if a host matches a list of trusted names.
def get_content_length(http_content_length: t.Union[str, None] = None, http_transfer_encoding: t.Union[str, None] = '') -> t.Optional[int]: (source)

Returns the content length as an integer or ``None`` if unavailable or chunked transfer encoding is used. :param http_content_length: The Content-Length HTTP header. :param http_transfer_encoding: The Transfer-Encoding HTTP header. .. versionadded:: 2.2

def get_current_url(scheme: str, host: str, root_path: t.Optional[str] = None, path: t.Optional[str] = None, query_string: t.Optional[bytes] = None) -> str: (source)

Recreate the URL for a request. If an optional part isn't provided, it and subsequent parts are not included in the URL. The URL is an IRI, not a URI, so it may contain Unicode characters. Use :func:`~werkzeug.urls.iri_to_uri` to convert it to ASCII. :param scheme: The protocol the request used, like ``"https"``. :param host: The host the request was made to. See :func:`get_host`. :param root_path: Prefix that the application is mounted under. This is prepended to ``path``. :param path: The path part of the URL after ``root_path``. :param query_string: The portion of the URL after the "?".

def get_host(scheme: str, host_header: t.Optional[str], server: t.Optional[t.Tuple[str, t.Optional[int]]] = None, trusted_hosts: t.Optional[t.Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: (source)

Return the host for the given parameters. This first checks the ``host_header``. If it's not present, then ``server`` is used. The host will only contain the port if it is different than the standard port for the protocol. Optionally, verify that the host is trusted using :func:`host_is_trusted` and raise a :exc:`~werkzeug.exceptions.SecurityError` if it is not. :param scheme: The protocol the request used, like ``"https"``. :param host_header: The ``Host`` header value. :param server: Address of the server. ``(host, port)``, or ``(path, None)`` for unix sockets. :param trusted_hosts: A list of trusted host names. :return: Host, with port if necessary. :raise ~werkzeug.exceptions.SecurityError: If the host is not trusted.

def host_is_trusted(hostname: str, trusted_list: t.Iterable[str]) -> bool: (source)

Check if a host matches a list of trusted names. :param hostname: The name to check. :param trusted_list: A list of valid names to match. If a name starts with a dot it will match all subdomains. .. versionadded:: 0.9