package documentation


Module datastructures No module docstring; 0/2 variable, 5/12 functions, 35/35 classes documented
Package debug No package docstring; 0/1 variable, 0/1 constant, 1/3 function, 2/2 classes, 1/3 module documented
Module exceptions Implements a number of Python exceptions which can be raised from within a view to trigger a standard HTTP non-200 response.
Module formparser No module docstring; 0/1 type alias, 0/1 type variable, 3/5 functions, 1/3 class documented
Module http No module docstring; 0/7 variable, 0/2 type alias, 0/3 type variable, 0/1 constant, 34/34 functions, 2/2 classes documented
Module local No module docstring; 0/2 type variable, 2/3 functions, 6/6 classes documented
Package middleware Middleware ==========
Package routing When it comes to combining multiple controller or view functions (however you want to call them) you need a dispatcher. A simple way would be applying regular expression tests on the ``PATH_INFO`` and calling registered callback functions that return the value then.
Package sansio Undocumented
Module security No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 0/2 constant, 5/5 functions documented
Module serving A WSGI and HTTP server for use **during development only**. This server is convenient to use, but is not designed to be particularly stable, secure, or efficient. Use a dedicate WSGI server and HTTP server when deploying to production.
Module test No module docstring; 0/1 type variable, 5/5 functions, 1/1 exception, 6/6 classes documented
Module testapp A small application that can be used to test a WSGI server and check it for WSGI compliance.
Module urls Functions for working with URLs.
Module user_agent No module docstring; 1/1 class documented
Module utils No module docstring; 0/4 variable, 0/1 type variable, 8/8 functions, 1/1 exception, 3/3 classes documented
Package wrappers Undocumented
Module wsgi No module docstring; 15/16 functions, 4/4 classes documented
Module _internal No module docstring; 0/11 variable, 0/1 type variable, 6/17 functions, 2/3 classes documented
Module _reloader No module docstring; 0/5 variable, 6/8 functions, 0/3 class documented


Variable __version__ Undocumented
__version__: str = (source)
