class documentation

A WSGI server that handles concurrent requests in separate forked processes. Use :func:`make_server` to create a server instance.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Class Variable multiprocess Undocumented
Instance Variable max_children Undocumented

Inherited from BaseWSGIServer:

Method handle_error Undocumented
Method log Undocumented
Method log_startup Show information about the address when starting the server.
Method serve_forever Undocumented
Class Variable allow_reuse_address Undocumented
Class Variable multithread Undocumented
Instance Variable address_family Undocumented
Instance Variable app Undocumented
Instance Variable host Undocumented
Instance Variable passthrough_errors Undocumented
Instance Variable port Undocumented
Instance Variable socket Undocumented
Instance Variable ssl_context Undocumented
def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, app: WSGIApplication, processes: int = 40, handler: t.Optional[t.Type[WSGIRequestHandler]] = None, passthrough_errors: bool = False, ssl_context: t.Optional[_TSSLContextArg] = None, fd: t.Optional[int] = None): (source)
max_children = (source)
