class documentation

Detail view of a single object on a single date; this differs from the standard DetailView by accepting a year/month/day in the URL.

Method get_object Get the object this request displays.

Inherited from YearMixin:

Method get_next_year Get the next valid year.
Method get_previous_year Get the previous valid year.
Method get_year Return the year for which this view should display data.
Method get_year_format Get a year format string in strptime syntax to be used to parse the year from url variables.
Class Variable year Undocumented
Class Variable year_format Undocumented
Method _get_current_year Return the start date of the current interval.
Method _get_next_year Return the start date of the next interval.

Inherited from MonthMixin (via YearMixin):

Method get_month Return the month for which this view should display data.
Method get_month_format Get a month format string in strptime syntax to be used to parse the month from url variables.
Method get_next_month Get the next valid month.
Method get_previous_month Get the previous valid month.
Class Variable month Undocumented
Class Variable month_format Undocumented
Method _get_current_month Return the start date of the previous interval.
Method _get_next_month Return the start date of the next interval.

Inherited from DayMixin (via YearMixin, MonthMixin):

Method get_day Return the day for which this view should display data.
Method get_day_format Get a day format string in strptime syntax to be used to parse the day from url variables.
Method get_next_day Get the next valid day.
Method get_previous_day Get the previous valid day.
Class Variable day Undocumented
Class Variable day_format Undocumented
Method _get_current_day Return the start date of the current interval.
Method _get_next_day Return the start date of the next interval.

Inherited from DateMixin (via YearMixin, MonthMixin, DayMixin):

Method get_allow_future Return `True` if the view should be allowed to display objects from the future.
Method get_date_field Get the name of the date field to be used to filter by.
Class Variable allow_future Undocumented
Class Variable date_field Undocumented
Property uses_datetime_field Return `True` if the date field is a `DateTimeField` and `False` if it's a `DateField`.
Method _make_date_lookup_arg Convert a date into a datetime when the date field is a DateTimeField.
Method _make_single_date_lookup Get the lookup kwargs for filtering on a single date.

Inherited from BaseDetailView (via YearMixin, MonthMixin, DayMixin, DateMixin):

Method get Undocumented
Instance Variable object Undocumented

Inherited from SingleObjectMixin (via YearMixin, MonthMixin, DayMixin, DateMixin, BaseDetailView):

Method get_context_data Insert the single object into the context dict.
Method get_context_object_name Get the name to use for the object.
Method get_queryset Return the `QuerySet` that will be used to look up the object.
Method get_slug_field Get the name of a slug field to be used to look up by slug.
Class Variable context_object_name Undocumented
Class Variable model Undocumented
Class Variable pk_url_kwarg Undocumented
Class Variable query_pk_and_slug Undocumented
Class Variable queryset Undocumented
Class Variable slug_field Undocumented
Class Variable slug_url_kwarg Undocumented

Inherited from ContextMixin (via YearMixin, MonthMixin, DayMixin, DateMixin, BaseDetailView, SingleObjectMixin):

Class Variable extra_context Undocumented
def get_object(self, queryset=None): (source)

Get the object this request displays.