class documentation

Mixin for views manipulating week-based data.

Method get_next_week Get the next valid week.
Method get_previous_week Get the previous valid week.
Method get_week Return the week for which this view should display data.
Method get_week_format Get a week format string in strptime syntax to be used to parse the week from url variables.
Class Variable week Undocumented
Class Variable week_format Undocumented
Method _get_current_week Return the start date of the current interval.
Method _get_next_week Return the start date of the next interval.
Method _get_weekday Return the weekday for a given date.
def get_next_week(self, date): (source)

Get the next valid week.

def get_previous_week(self, date): (source)

Get the previous valid week.

def get_week(self): (source)

Return the week for which this view should display data.

def get_week_format(self): (source)

Get a week format string in strptime syntax to be used to parse the week from url variables.


week_format: str = (source)


def _get_current_week(self, date): (source)

Return the start date of the current interval.

def _get_next_week(self, date): (source)

Return the start date of the next interval. The interval is defined by start date <= item date < next start date.

def _get_weekday(self, date): (source)

Return the weekday for a given date. The first day according to the week format is 0 and the last day is 6.