class documentation

List of objects published in a given year.

Method get_dated_items Return (date_list, items, extra_context) for this request.
Method get_make_object_list Return `True` if this view should contain the full list of objects in the given year.
Class Variable date_list_period Undocumented
Class Variable make_object_list Undocumented

Inherited from YearMixin:

Method get_next_year Get the next valid year.
Method get_previous_year Get the previous valid year.
Method get_year Return the year for which this view should display data.
Method get_year_format Get a year format string in strptime syntax to be used to parse the year from url variables.
Class Variable year Undocumented
Class Variable year_format Undocumented
Method _get_current_year Return the start date of the current interval.
Method _get_next_year Return the start date of the next interval.

Inherited from BaseDateListView (via YearMixin):

Method get Undocumented
Method get_date_list Get a date list by calling `queryset.dates/datetimes()`, checking along the way for empty lists that aren't allowed.
Method get_date_list_period Get the aggregation period for the list of dates: 'year', 'month', or 'day'.
Method get_dated_queryset Get a queryset properly filtered according to `allow_future` and any extra lookup kwargs.
Method get_ordering Return the field or fields to use for ordering the queryset; use the date field by default.
Class Variable allow_empty Undocumented
Instance Variable date_list Undocumented
Instance Variable object_list Undocumented

Inherited from MultipleObjectMixin (via YearMixin, BaseDateListView):

Method get_allow_empty Return ``True`` if the view should display empty lists and ``False`` if a 404 should be raised instead.
Method get_context_data Get the context for this view.
Method get_context_object_name Get the name of the item to be used in the context.
Method get_paginate_by Get the number of items to paginate by, or ``None`` for no pagination.
Method get_paginate_orphans Return the maximum number of orphans extend the last page by when paginating.
Method get_paginator Return an instance of the paginator for this view.
Method get_queryset Return the list of items for this view.
Method paginate_queryset Paginate the queryset, if needed.
Class Variable context_object_name Undocumented
Class Variable model Undocumented
Class Variable ordering Undocumented
Class Variable page_kwarg Undocumented
Class Variable paginate_by Undocumented
Class Variable paginate_orphans Undocumented
Class Variable queryset Undocumented

Inherited from ContextMixin (via YearMixin, BaseDateListView, MultipleObjectMixin):

Class Variable extra_context Undocumented

Inherited from DateMixin (via YearMixin, BaseDateListView, MultipleObjectMixin, ContextMixin):

Method get_allow_future Return `True` if the view should be allowed to display objects from the future.
Method get_date_field Get the name of the date field to be used to filter by.
Class Variable allow_future Undocumented
Class Variable date_field Undocumented
Property uses_datetime_field Return `True` if the date field is a `DateTimeField` and `False` if it's a `DateField`.
Method _make_date_lookup_arg Convert a date into a datetime when the date field is a DateTimeField.
Method _make_single_date_lookup Get the lookup kwargs for filtering on a single date.
def get_dated_items(self): (source)

Return (date_list, items, extra_context) for this request.

def get_make_object_list(self): (source)

Return `True` if this view should contain the full list of objects in the given year.

make_object_list: bool = (source)
