package documentation

This package contains directive implementation modules.

Module admonitions Admonition directives.
Module body Directives for additional body elements.
Module html Dummy module for backwards compatibility.
Module images Directives for figures and simple images.
Module misc Miscellaneous directives.
Module parts Directives for document parts.
Module references Directives for references and targets.
Module tables Directives for table elements.


Function choice Directive option utility function, supplied to enable options whose argument must be a member of a finite set of possible values (must be lower case). A custom conversion function must be written to use it...
Function class_option Convert the argument into a list of ID-compatible strings and return it. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function directive Locate and return a directive function from its language-dependent name. If not found in the current language, check English. Return None if the named directive cannot be found.
Function encoding Verifies the encoding argument by lookup. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function flag Check for a valid flag option (no argument) and return ``None``. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function format_values Undocumented
Function get_measure Check for a positive argument of one of the units and return a normalized string of the form "<value><unit>" (without space in between). (Directive option conversion function.)
Function length_or_percentage_or_unitless Return normalized string of a length or percentage unit. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function length_or_unitless Undocumented
Function nonnegative_int Check for a nonnegative integer argument; raise ``ValueError`` if not. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function parser_name Return a docutils parser whose name matches the argument. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function path Return the path argument unwrapped (with newlines removed). (Directive option conversion function.)
Function percentage Check for an integer percentage value with optional percent sign. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function positive_int Converts the argument into an integer. Raises ValueError for negative, zero, or non-integer values. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function positive_int_list Converts a space- or comma-separated list of values into a Python list of integers. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function register_directive Register a nonstandard application-defined directive function. Language lookups are not needed for such functions.
Function single_char_or_unicode A single character is returned as-is. Unicode characters codes are converted as in `unicode_code`. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function single_char_or_whitespace_or_unicode As with `single_char_or_unicode`, but "tab" and "space" are also supported. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function unchanged Return the argument text, unchanged. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function unchanged_required Return the argument text, unchanged. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function unicode_code Convert a Unicode character code to a Unicode character. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function uri Return the URI argument with unescaped whitespace removed. (Directive option conversion function.)
Function value_or Directive option conversion function.
Variable length_units Undocumented
Variable unicode_pattern Undocumented
Variable _directive_registry Mapping of directive name to (module name, class name). The directive name is canonical & must be lowercase. Language-dependent names are defined in the ``language`` subpackage.
Variable _directives Cache of imported directives.
_directive_registry: dict = (source)

Mapping of directive name to (module name, class name). The directive name is canonical & must be lowercase. Language-dependent names are defined in the ``language`` subpackage.

_directives: dict = (source)

Cache of imported directives.

def directive(directive_name, language_module, document): (source)

Locate and return a directive function from its language-dependent name. If not found in the current language, check English. Return None if the named directive cannot be found.

def register_directive(name, directive): (source)

Register a nonstandard application-defined directive function. Language lookups are not needed for such functions.

def flag(argument): (source)

Check for a valid flag option (no argument) and return ``None``. (Directive option conversion function.) Raise ``ValueError`` if an argument is found.

def unchanged_required(argument): (source)

Return the argument text, unchanged. (Directive option conversion function.) Raise ``ValueError`` if no argument is found.

def unchanged(argument): (source)

Return the argument text, unchanged. (Directive option conversion function.) No argument implies empty string ("").

def path(argument): (source)

Return the path argument unwrapped (with newlines removed). (Directive option conversion function.) Raise ``ValueError`` if no argument is found.

def uri(argument): (source)

Return the URI argument with unescaped whitespace removed. (Directive option conversion function.) Raise ``ValueError`` if no argument is found.

def nonnegative_int(argument): (source)

Check for a nonnegative integer argument; raise ``ValueError`` if not. (Directive option conversion function.)

def percentage(argument): (source)

Check for an integer percentage value with optional percent sign. (Directive option conversion function.)

length_units: list[str] = (source)


def get_measure(argument, units): (source)

Check for a positive argument of one of the units and return a normalized string of the form "<value><unit>" (without space in between). (Directive option conversion function.) To be called from directive option conversion functions.

def length_or_unitless(argument): (source)


def length_or_percentage_or_unitless(argument, default=''): (source)

Return normalized string of a length or percentage unit. (Directive option conversion function.) Add <default> if there is no unit. Raise ValueError if the argument is not a positive measure of one of the valid CSS units (or without unit). >>> length_or_percentage_or_unitless('3 pt') '3pt' >>> length_or_percentage_or_unitless('3%', 'em') '3%' >>> length_or_percentage_or_unitless('3') '3' >>> length_or_percentage_or_unitless('3', 'px') '3px'

def class_option(argument): (source)

Convert the argument into a list of ID-compatible strings and return it. (Directive option conversion function.) Raise ``ValueError`` if no argument is found.

unicode_pattern = (source)


def unicode_code(code): (source)

Convert a Unicode character code to a Unicode character. (Directive option conversion function.) Codes may be decimal numbers, hexadecimal numbers (prefixed by ``0x``, ``x``, ``\x``, ``U+``, ``u``, or ``\u``; e.g. ``U+262E``), or XML-style numeric character entities (e.g. ``&#x262E;``). Other text remains as-is. Raise ValueError for illegal Unicode code values.

def single_char_or_unicode(argument): (source)

A single character is returned as-is. Unicode characters codes are converted as in `unicode_code`. (Directive option conversion function.)

def single_char_or_whitespace_or_unicode(argument): (source)

As with `single_char_or_unicode`, but "tab" and "space" are also supported. (Directive option conversion function.)

def positive_int(argument): (source)

Converts the argument into an integer. Raises ValueError for negative, zero, or non-integer values. (Directive option conversion function.)

def positive_int_list(argument): (source)

Converts a space- or comma-separated list of values into a Python list of integers. (Directive option conversion function.) Raises ValueError for non-positive-integer values.

def encoding(argument): (source)

Verifies the encoding argument by lookup. (Directive option conversion function.) Raises ValueError for unknown encodings.

def choice(argument, values): (source)

Directive option utility function, supplied to enable options whose argument must be a member of a finite set of possible values (must be lower case). A custom conversion function must be written to use it. For example:: from docutils.parsers.rst import directives def yesno(argument): return directives.choice(argument, ('yes', 'no')) Raise ``ValueError`` if no argument is found or if the argument's value is not valid (not an entry in the supplied list).

def format_values(values): (source)


def value_or(values, other): (source)

Directive option conversion function. The argument can be any of `values` or `argument_type`.

def parser_name(argument): (source)

Return a docutils parser whose name matches the argument. (Directive option conversion function.) Return `None`, if the argument evaluates to `False`. Raise `ValueError` if importing the parser module fails.