module documentation

This module defines table parser classes,which parse plaintext-graphic tables and produce a well-formed data structure suitable for building a CALS table. :Classes: - `GridTableParser`: Parse fully-formed tables represented with a grid. - `SimpleTableParser`: Parse simple tables, delimited by top & bottom borders. :Exception class: `TableMarkupError` :Function: `update_dict_of_lists()`: Merge two dictionaries containing list values.

Class GridTableParser Parse a grid table using `parse()`.
Class SimpleTableParser Parse a simple table using `parse()`.
Class TableMarkupError Raise if there is any problem with table markup.
Class TableParser Abstract superclass for the common parts of the syntax-specific parsers.
Function update_dict_of_lists Extend the list values of `master` with those from `newdata`.
def update_dict_of_lists(master, newdata): (source)

Extend the list values of `master` with those from `newdata`. Both parameters must be dictionaries containing list values.