package documentation provides functionality to read and write to a number of data sets. At core of the library is AbstractDataSet which allows implementation of various ``AbstractDataSet``s.

Module cached_dataset This module contains CachedDataSet, a dataset wrapper which caches in memory the data saved, so that the user avoids io operations with slow storage media
Module core This module provides a set of classes which underpin the data loading and saving functionality provided by
Module data_catalog DataCatalog stores instances of AbstractDataSet implementations to provide load and save capabilities from anywhere in the program. To use a DataCatalog, you need to instantiate it with a dictionary of data sets...
Module lambda_dataset LambdaDataSet is an implementation of AbstractDataSet which allows for providing custom load, save, and exists methods without extending AbstractDataSet.
Module memory_dataset MemoryDataSet is a data set implementation which handles in-memory data.
Module partitioned_dataset PartitionedDataSet loads and saves partitioned file-like data using the underlying dataset definition. It also uses fsspec for filesystem level operations.


Class AbstractDataSet AbstractDataSet is the base class for all data set implementations. All data set implementations should extend this abstract class and implement the methods marked as abstract. If a specific dataset implementation cannot be used in conjunction with the ...
Class AbstractVersionedDataSet AbstractVersionedDataSet is the base class for all versioned data set implementations. All data sets that implement versioning should extend this abstract class and implement the methods marked as abstract.
Class CachedDataSet CachedDataSet is a dataset wrapper which caches in memory the data saved, so that the user avoids io operations with slow storage media.
Class DataCatalog DataCatalog stores instances of AbstractDataSet implementations to provide load and save capabilities from anywhere in the program. To use a DataCatalog, you need to instantiate it with a dictionary of data sets...
Class IncrementalDataSet IncrementalDataSet inherits from PartitionedDataSet, which loads and saves partitioned file-like data using the underlying dataset definition. For filesystem level operations it uses fsspec:
Class LambdaDataSet LambdaDataSet loads and saves data to a data set. It relies on delegating to specific implementation such as csv, sql, etc.
Class MemoryDataSet MemoryDataSet loads and saves data from/to an in-memory Python object.
Class PartitionedDataSet PartitionedDataSet loads and saves partitioned file-like data using the underlying dataset definition. For filesystem level operations it uses fsspec:
Class Version This namedtuple is used to provide load and save versions for versioned data sets. If Version.load is None, then the latest available version is loaded. If is None, then save version is formatted as YYYY-MM-DDThh...
Exception DataSetAlreadyExistsError DataSetAlreadyExistsError raised by DataCatalog class in case of trying to add a data set which already exists in the DataCatalog.
Exception DataSetError DataSetError raised by AbstractDataSet implementations in case of failure of input/output methods.
Exception DataSetNotFoundError DataSetNotFoundError raised by DataCatalog class in case of trying to use a non-existing data set.