module documentation

Translate an Expression to a Type value.

Exception TypeTranslationError Exception raised when an expression is not valid as a type.
Function expr_to_unanalyzed_type Translate an expression to the corresponding type.
Function _extract_argument_name Undocumented
def expr_to_unanalyzed_type(expr: Expression, options: Options|None = None, allow_new_syntax: bool = False, _parent: Expression|None = None) -> ProperType: (source)

Translate an expression to the corresponding type. The result is not semantically analyzed. It can be UnboundType or TypeList. Raise TypeTranslationError if the expression cannot represent a type. If allow_new_syntax is True, allow all type syntax independent of the target Python version (used in stubs).

def _extract_argument_name(expr: Expression) -> str|None: (source)
