module documentation

Miscellaneous type operations and helpers for use during type checking. NOTE: These must not be accessed from mypy.nodes or mypy.types to avoid import cycles. These must not be called from the semantic analysis main pass since these may assume that MROs are ready.

Class TypeVarExtractor Undocumented
Function bind_self Return a copy of `method`, with the type of its first parameter (usually self or cls) bound to original_type.
Function callable_corresponding_argument Return the argument a function that corresponds to `model`
Function callable_type Undocumented
Function class_callable Create a type object type based on the signature of __init__.
Function coerce_to_literal Recursively converts any Instances that have a last_known_value or are instances of enum types with a single value into the corresponding LiteralType.
Function custom_special_method Does this type have a custom special method such as __format__() or __eq__()?
Function erase_def_to_union_or_bound Undocumented
Function erase_to_bound Undocumented
Function erase_to_union_or_bound Undocumented
Function false_only Restricted version of t with only False-ish values
Function fixup_partial_type Convert a partial type that we couldn't resolve into something concrete.
Function function_type Undocumented
Function get_self_type Undocumented
Function get_type_vars Undocumented
Function is_literal_type_like Returns 'true' if the given type context is potentially either a LiteralType, a Union of LiteralType, or something similar.
Function is_recursive_pair Is this a pair of recursive types?
Function is_redundant_literal_instance Undocumented
Function is_simple_literal Fast way to check if simple_literal_value_key() would return a non-None value.
Function is_singleton_type Returns 'true' if this type is a "singleton type" -- if there exists exactly only one runtime value associated with this type.
Function make_simplified_union Build union type with redundant union items removed.
Function map_type_from_supertype Map type variables in a type defined in a supertype context to be valid in the subtype context. Assume that the result is unique; if more than one type is possible, return one of the alternatives.
Function separate_union_literals Separate literals from other members in a union type.
Function simple_literal_type Extract the underlying fallback Instance type for a simple Literal
Function simple_literal_value_key Return a hashable description of simple literal type.
Function supported_self_type Is this a supported kind of explicit self-types?
Function true_only Restricted version of t with only True-ish values
Function true_or_false Unrestricted version of t with both True-ish and False-ish values
Function try_contracting_literals_in_union Contracts any literal types back into a sum type if possible.
Function try_expanding_sum_type_to_union Attempts to recursively expand any enum Instances with the given target_fullname into a Union of all of its component LiteralTypes.
Function try_getting_instance_fallback Returns the Instance fallback for this type if one exists or None.
Function try_getting_int_literals_from_type If the given expression or type corresponds to an int Literal or a union of int Literals, returns a list of the underlying ints. Otherwise, returns None.
Function try_getting_literals_from_type If the given expression or type corresponds to a Literal or union of Literals where the underlying values correspond to the given target type, returns a list of those underlying values. Otherwise, returns None.
Function try_getting_str_literals If the given expression or type corresponds to a string literal or a union of string literals, returns a list of the underlying strings. Otherwise, returns None.
Function try_getting_str_literals_from_type If the given expression or type corresponds to a string Literal or a union of string Literals, returns a list of the underlying strings. Otherwise, returns None.
Function tuple_fallback Return fallback type for a tuple.
Function type_object_type_from_function Undocumented
Type Variable F Undocumented
Type Variable T Undocumented
Function _get_type_special_method_bool_ret_type Undocumented
Function _remove_redundant_union_items Undocumented
def bind_self(method: F, original_type: Type|None = None, is_classmethod: bool = False) -> F: (source)

Return a copy of `method`, with the type of its first parameter (usually self or cls) bound to original_type. If the type of `self` is a generic type (T, or Type[T] for classmethods), instantiate every occurrence of type with original_type in the rest of the signature and in the return type. original_type is the type of E in the expression E.copy(). It is None in compatibility checks. In this case we treat it as the erasure of the declared type of self. This way we can express "the type of self". For example: T = TypeVar('T', bound='A') class A: def copy(self: T) -> T: ... class B(A): pass b = B().copy() # type: B

def callable_corresponding_argument(typ: CallableType|Parameters, model: FormalArgument) -> FormalArgument|None: (source)

Return the argument a function that corresponds to `model`

def callable_type(fdef: FuncItem, fallback: Instance, ret_type: Type|None = None) -> CallableType: (source)


def class_callable(init_type: CallableType, info: TypeInfo, type_type: Instance, special_sig: str|None, is_new: bool, orig_self_type: Type|None = None) -> CallableType: (source)

Create a type object type based on the signature of __init__.

def coerce_to_literal(typ: Type) -> Type: (source)

Recursively converts any Instances that have a last_known_value or are instances of enum types with a single value into the corresponding LiteralType.

def custom_special_method(typ: Type, name: str, check_all: bool = False) -> bool: (source)

Does this type have a custom special method such as __format__() or __eq__()? If check_all is True ensure all items of a union have a custom method, not just some.

def erase_def_to_union_or_bound(tdef: TypeVarLikeType) -> Type: (source)


def erase_to_bound(t: Type) -> Type: (source)


def erase_to_union_or_bound(typ: TypeVarType) -> ProperType: (source)


def false_only(t: Type) -> ProperType: (source)

Restricted version of t with only False-ish values

def fixup_partial_type(typ: Type) -> Type: (source)

Convert a partial type that we couldn't resolve into something concrete. This means, for None we make it Optional[Any], and for anything else we fill in all of the type arguments with Any.

def function_type(func: FuncBase, fallback: Instance) -> FunctionLike: (source)


def get_self_type(func: CallableType, default_self: Instance|TupleType) -> Type|None: (source)


def get_type_vars(tp: Type) -> list[TypeVarType]: (source)


def is_literal_type_like(t: Type|None) -> bool: (source)

Returns 'true' if the given type context is potentially either a LiteralType, a Union of LiteralType, or something similar.

def is_recursive_pair(s: Type, t: Type) -> bool: (source)

Is this a pair of recursive types? There may be more cases, and we may be forced to use e.g. has_recursive_types() here, but this function is called in very hot code, so we try to keep it simple and return True only in cases we know may have problems.

def is_redundant_literal_instance(general: ProperType, specific: ProperType) -> bool: (source)


def is_simple_literal(t: ProperType) -> bool: (source)

Fast way to check if simple_literal_value_key() would return a non-None value.

def is_singleton_type(typ: Type) -> bool: (source)

Returns 'true' if this type is a "singleton type" -- if there exists exactly only one runtime value associated with this type. That is, given two values 'a' and 'b' that have the same type 't', 'is_singleton_type(t)' returns True if and only if the expression 'a is b' is always true. Currently, this returns True when given NoneTypes, enum LiteralTypes, enum types with a single value and ... (Ellipses). Note that other kinds of LiteralTypes cannot count as singleton types. For example, suppose we do 'a = 100000 + 1' and 'b = 100001'. It is not guaranteed that 'a is b' will always be true -- some implementations of Python will end up constructing two distinct instances of 100001.

def make_simplified_union(items: Sequence[Type], line: int = -1, column: int = -1, *, keep_erased: bool = False, contract_literals: bool = True) -> ProperType: (source)

Build union type with redundant union items removed. If only a single item remains, this may return a non-union type. Examples: * [int, str] -> Union[int, str] * [int, object] -> object * [int, int] -> int * [int, Any] -> Union[int, Any] (Any types are not simplified away!) * [Any, Any] -> Any * [int, Union[bytes, str]] -> Union[int, bytes, str] Note: This must NOT be used during semantic analysis, since TypeInfos may not be fully initialized. The keep_erased flag is used for type inference against union types containing type variables. If set to True, keep all ErasedType items. The contract_literals flag indicates whether we need to contract literal types back into a sum type. Set it to False when called by try_expanding_sum_type_ to_union().

def map_type_from_supertype(typ: Type, sub_info: TypeInfo, super_info: TypeInfo) -> Type: (source)

Map type variables in a type defined in a supertype context to be valid in the subtype context. Assume that the result is unique; if more than one type is possible, return one of the alternatives. For example, assume class D(Generic[S]): ... class C(D[E[T]], Generic[T]): ... Now S in the context of D would be mapped to E[T] in the context of C.

def separate_union_literals(t: UnionType) -> tuple[Sequence[LiteralType], Sequence[Type]]: (source)

Separate literals from other members in a union type.

def simple_literal_type(t: ProperType|None) -> Instance|None: (source)

Extract the underlying fallback Instance type for a simple Literal

def simple_literal_value_key(t: ProperType) -> tuple[str, ...]|None: (source)

Return a hashable description of simple literal type. Return None if not a simple literal type. The return value can be used to simplify away duplicate types in unions by comparing keys for equality. For now enum, string or Instance with string last_known_value are supported.

def supported_self_type(typ: ProperType) -> bool: (source)

Is this a supported kind of explicit self-types? Currently, this means a X or Type[X], where X is an instance or a type variable with an instance upper bound.

def true_only(t: Type) -> ProperType: (source)

Restricted version of t with only True-ish values

def true_or_false(t: Type) -> ProperType: (source)

Unrestricted version of t with both True-ish and False-ish values

def try_contracting_literals_in_union(types: Sequence[Type]) -> list[ProperType]: (source)

Contracts any literal types back into a sum type if possible. Will replace the first instance of the literal with the sum type and remove all others. If we call `try_contracting_union(Literal[Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.YELLOW])`, this function will return Color. We also treat `Literal[True, False]` as `bool`.

def try_expanding_sum_type_to_union(typ: Type, target_fullname: str) -> ProperType: (source)

Attempts to recursively expand any enum Instances with the given target_fullname into a Union of all of its component LiteralTypes. For example, if we have: class Color(Enum): RED = 1 BLUE = 2 YELLOW = 3 class Status(Enum): SUCCESS = 1 FAILURE = 2 UNKNOWN = 3 ...and if we call `try_expanding_enum_to_union(Union[Color, Status], 'module.Color')`, this function will return Literal[Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.YELLOW, Status].

def try_getting_instance_fallback(typ: Type) -> Instance|None: (source)

Returns the Instance fallback for this type if one exists or None.

def try_getting_int_literals_from_type(typ: Type) -> list[int]|None: (source)

If the given expression or type corresponds to an int Literal or a union of int Literals, returns a list of the underlying ints. Otherwise, returns None. For example, if we had the type 'Literal[1, 2, 3]' as input, this function would return a list of ints [1, 2, 3].

def try_getting_literals_from_type(typ: Type, target_literal_type: type[T], target_fullname: str) -> list[T]|None: (source)

If the given expression or type corresponds to a Literal or union of Literals where the underlying values correspond to the given target type, returns a list of those underlying values. Otherwise, returns None.

def try_getting_str_literals(expr: Expression, typ: Type) -> list[str]|None: (source)

If the given expression or type corresponds to a string literal or a union of string literals, returns a list of the underlying strings. Otherwise, returns None. Specifically, this function is guaranteed to return a list with one or more strings if one of the following is true: 1. 'expr' is a StrExpr 2. 'typ' is a LiteralType containing a string 3. 'typ' is a UnionType containing only LiteralType of strings

def try_getting_str_literals_from_type(typ: Type) -> list[str]|None: (source)

If the given expression or type corresponds to a string Literal or a union of string Literals, returns a list of the underlying strings. Otherwise, returns None. For example, if we had the type 'Literal["foo", "bar"]' as input, this function would return a list of strings ["foo", "bar"].

def tuple_fallback(typ: TupleType) -> Instance: (source)

Return fallback type for a tuple.

def type_object_type_from_function(signature: FunctionLike, info: TypeInfo, def_info: TypeInfo, fallback: Instance, is_new: bool) -> FunctionLike: (source)





def _get_type_special_method_bool_ret_type(t: Type) -> Type|None: (source)


def _remove_redundant_union_items(items: list[Type], keep_erased: bool) -> list[Type]: (source)
