class documentation

A helper class for CCompilerOpt containing all utilities that related to the fundamental compiler's functions.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method cc_normalize_flags Remove the conflicts that caused due gathering implied features flags.
Method cc_test_cexpr Same as the above but supports compile-time expressions.
Method cc_test_flags Returns True if the compiler supports 'flags'.
Instance Variable cc_flags Dictionary containing the initialized flags of _Config.conf_cc_flags
Instance Variable cc_has_debug True if the compiler has debug flags
Instance Variable cc_has_native True if the compiler has native flags
Instance Variable cc_is_cached Undocumented
Instance Variable cc_is_clang True if the compiler is Clang
Instance Variable cc_is_gcc True if the compiler is GNU or if the compiler is unknown
Instance Variable cc_is_icc True if the compiler is Intel compiler (unix like)
Instance Variable cc_is_iccw True if the compiler is Intel compiler (msvc like)
Instance Variable cc_is_nocc True if the compiler isn't supported directly, Note: that cause a fail-back to gcc
Instance Variable cc_march The target architecture name, or "unknown" if the architecture isn't supported
Instance Variable cc_name The compiler name, or "unknown" if the compiler isn't supported
Instance Variable cc_noopt True if the compiler has definition 'DISABLE_OPT*', or 'cc_on_noarch' is True
Instance Variable cc_on_aarch64 True when the target architecture is 64-bit Armv8-a+
Instance Variable cc_on_armhf True when the target architecture is 32-bit ARMv7+
Instance Variable cc_on_noarch True when the target architecture is unknown or not supported
Instance Variable cc_on_ppc64 True when the target architecture is 64-bit big-endian powerpc
Instance Variable cc_on_ppc64le True when the target architecture is 64-bit litle-endian powerpc
Instance Variable cc_on_s390x True when the target architecture is IBM/ZARCH on linux
Instance Variable cc_on_x64 True when the target architecture is 64-bit x86
Instance Variable cc_on_x86 True when the target architecture is 32-bit x86
Method _cc_normalize_unix Undocumented
Method _cc_normalize_win Undocumented
Class Variable _cc_normalize_arch_ver Undocumented
Class Variable _cc_normalize_unix_frgx Undocumented
Class Variable _cc_normalize_unix_krgx Undocumented
Class Variable _cc_normalize_unix_mrgx Undocumented
Class Variable _cc_normalize_win_frgx Undocumented
Class Variable _cc_normalize_win_mrgx Undocumented
def __init__(self): (source)


def cc_normalize_flags(self, flags): (source)

Remove the conflicts that caused due gathering implied features flags.


>>> self.cc_normalize_flags(['-march=armv8.2-a+fp16', '-march=armv8.2-a+dotprod'])
>>> self.cc_normalize_flags(
    ['-msse', '-msse2', '-msse3', '-mssse3', '-msse4.1', '-msse4.2', '-mavx', '-march=core-avx2']
'flags' listflags should be sorted from the lowest to the highest interest.
compiler flagsflags should be sorted from the lowest to the highest interest.
list, filtered from any conflicts.
def cc_test_cexpr(self, cexpr, flags=[]): (source)

Same as the above but supports compile-time expressions.
def cc_test_flags(self, flags): (source)

Returns True if the compiler supports 'flags'.

cc_flags: dict = (source)

Dictionary containing the initialized flags of _Config.conf_cc_flags

cc_has_debug: bool = (source)

True if the compiler has debug flags

cc_has_native: bool = (source)

True if the compiler has native flags

cc_is_cached: bool = (source)


cc_is_clang: bool = (source)

True if the compiler is Clang

cc_is_gcc: bool = (source)

True if the compiler is GNU or if the compiler is unknown

cc_is_icc: bool = (source)

True if the compiler is Intel compiler (unix like)

cc_is_iccw: bool = (source)

True if the compiler is Intel compiler (msvc like)

cc_is_nocc: bool = (source)

True if the compiler isn't supported directly, Note: that cause a fail-back to gcc

cc_march: str = (source)

The target architecture name, or "unknown" if the architecture isn't supported

The compiler name, or "unknown" if the compiler isn't supported

cc_noopt: bool = (source)

True if the compiler has definition 'DISABLE_OPT*', or 'cc_on_noarch' is True

cc_on_aarch64: bool = (source)

True when the target architecture is 64-bit Armv8-a+

cc_on_armhf: bool = (source)

True when the target architecture is 32-bit ARMv7+

cc_on_noarch: bool = (source)

True when the target architecture is unknown or not supported

cc_on_ppc64: bool = (source)

True when the target architecture is 64-bit big-endian powerpc

cc_on_ppc64le: bool = (source)

True when the target architecture is 64-bit litle-endian powerpc

cc_on_s390x: bool = (source)

True when the target architecture is IBM/ZARCH on linux

cc_on_x64: bool = (source)

True when the target architecture is 64-bit x86

cc_on_x86: bool = (source)

True when the target architecture is 32-bit x86

def _cc_normalize_unix(self, flags): (source)


def _cc_normalize_win(self, flags): (source)


_cc_normalize_arch_ver = (source)


_cc_normalize_unix_frgx = (source)


_cc_normalize_unix_krgx = (source)


_cc_normalize_unix_mrgx = (source)


_cc_normalize_win_frgx = (source)


_cc_normalize_win_mrgx = (source)
