class documentation

An abstract class handles caching functionality, provides two levels of caching, in-memory by share instances attributes among each other and by store attributes into files.

any attributes that start with _ or conf_ will be ignored.
cache_pathThe path of cache file, if None then cache in file will disabled.
*factorsThe caching factors that need to utilize next to conf_cache_factors.
Static Method me A static method that can be treated as a decorator to dynamically cache certain methods.
Method __del__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method cache_flush Force update the cache.
Method cache_hash Undocumented
Instance Variable cache_infile Utilized during initializing this class, to determine if the cache was able to loaded from the specified cache path in 'cache_path'.
Instance Variable cache_me Undocumented
Instance Variable cache_private Hold the attributes that need be skipped from "in-memory cache".
Class Variable _cache_ignore Undocumented
Instance Variable _cache_hash Undocumented
Instance Variable _cache_path Undocumented

A static method that can be treated as a decorator to dynamically cache certain methods.

def __del__(self): (source)


def __init__(self, cache_path=None, *factors): (source)


def cache_flush(self): (source)

Force update the cache.

def cache_hash(self, *factors): (source)


cache_infile: bool = (source)

Utilized during initializing this class, to determine if the cache was able to loaded from the specified cache path in 'cache_path'.

cache_me: dict = (source)


cache_private: set = (source)

Hold the attributes that need be skipped from "in-memory cache".

_cache_ignore = (source)


_cache_hash = (source)


_cache_path = (source)
