class documentation

A helper class that provides a collection of fundamental methods implemented in a top of Python and NumPy Distutils.

The idea behind this class is to gather all methods that it may need to override in case of reuse 'CCompilerOpt' in environment different than of what NumPy has.

ccompilerThe generate instance that returned from distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler().
Static Method dist_error Raise a compiler error
Static Method dist_fatal Raise a distutils error
Static Method dist_load_module Load a module from file, required by the abstract class '_Cache'.
Static Method dist_log Print a console message
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method dist_compile Wrap CCompiler.compile()
Method dist_info Return a tuple containing info about (platform, compiler, extra_args), required by the abstract class '_CCompiler' for discovering the platform environment. This is also used as a cache factor in order to detect any changes happening from outside.
Method dist_test Return True if 'CCompiler.compile()' able to compile a source file with certain flags.
Static Method _dist_str Return a string to print by log and errors.
Static Method _dist_test_spawn Undocumented
Method _dist_test_spawn_paths Fix msvc SDK ENV path same as distutils do without it we get c1: fatal error C1356: unable to find mspdbcore.dll
Class Variable _dist_warn_regex Undocumented
Instance Variable _ccompiler Undocumented
Instance Variable _dist_info Undocumented
def dist_error(*args): (source)

Raise a compiler error

def dist_fatal(*args): (source)

Raise a distutils error

def dist_load_module(name, path): (source)

Load a module from file, required by the abstract class '_Cache'.

def dist_log(*args, stderr=False): (source)

Print a console message

def __init__(self, ccompiler): (source)


def dist_compile(self, sources, flags, ccompiler=None, **kwargs): (source)

Wrap CCompiler.compile()

def dist_info(self): (source)

Return a tuple containing info about (platform, compiler, extra_args), required by the abstract class '_CCompiler' for discovering the platform environment. This is also used as a cache factor in order to detect any changes happening from outside.

def dist_test(self, source, flags, macros=[]): (source)

Return True if 'CCompiler.compile()' able to compile a source file with certain flags.

def _dist_str(*args): (source)

Return a string to print by log and errors.

def _dist_test_spawn(cmd, display=None): (source)


def _dist_test_spawn_paths(self, cmd, display=None): (source)

Fix msvc SDK ENV path same as distutils do without it we get c1: fatal error C1356: unable to find mspdbcore.dll

_dist_warn_regex = (source)


_ccompiler = (source)


_dist_info = (source)
