module documentation

pygments.lexers.javascript ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lexers for JavaScript and related languages. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

Class CoffeeScriptLexer For CoffeeScript source code.
Class DartLexer For Dart source code.
Class EarlGreyLexer For Earl-Grey source code.
Class JavascriptLexer For JavaScript source code.
Class JuttleLexer For Juttle source code.
Class KalLexer For Kal source code.
Class LassoLexer For Lasso source code, covering both Lasso 9 syntax and LassoScript for Lasso 8.6 and earlier. For Lasso embedded in HTML, use the `LassoHtmlLexer`.
Class LiveScriptLexer For LiveScript source code.
Class MaskLexer For Mask markup.
Class NodeConsoleLexer For parsing within an interactive Node.js REPL, such as:
Class ObjectiveJLexer For Objective-J source code with preprocessor directives.
Class TypeScriptLexer For TypeScript source code.
Constant JS_IDENT Undocumented
Constant JS_IDENT_PART Undocumented
Constant JS_IDENT_START Undocumented
JS_IDENT = (source)


JS_IDENT_PART = (source)


('(?:[$'+uni.combine('Lu', 'Ll', 'Lt', 'Lm', 'Lo', 'Nl', 'Mn', 'Mc', 'Nd', 'Pc'))+'‌‍]|\\\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})'
JS_IDENT_START = (source)


('(?:[$_'+uni.combine('Lu', 'Ll', 'Lt', 'Lm', 'Lo', 'Nl'))+']|\\\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})'