module documentation

pygments.lexers.templates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lexers for various template engines' markup. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

Class Angular2HtmlLexer Subclass of the `Angular2Lexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `HtmlLexer`.
Class Angular2Lexer Generic angular2 template lexer.
Class CheetahHtmlLexer Subclass of the `CheetahLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `HtmlLexer`.
Class CheetahJavascriptLexer Subclass of the `CheetahLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `JavascriptLexer`.
Class CheetahLexer Generic cheetah templates lexer. Code that isn't Cheetah markup is yielded as `Token.Other`. This also works for `spitfire templates`_ which use the same syntax.
Class CheetahPythonLexer Lexer for handling Cheetah's special $ tokens in Python syntax.
Class CheetahXmlLexer Subclass of the `CheetahLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `XmlLexer`.
Class ColdfusionCFCLexer Coldfusion markup/script components
Class ColdfusionHtmlLexer Coldfusion markup in html
Class ColdfusionLexer Coldfusion statements
Class ColdfusionMarkupLexer Coldfusion markup only
Class CssDjangoLexer Subclass of the `DjangoLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `CssLexer`.
Class CssErbLexer Subclass of `ErbLexer` which highlights unlexed data with the `CssLexer`.
Class CssGenshiLexer A lexer that highlights CSS definitions in genshi text templates.
Class CssPhpLexer Subclass of `PhpLexer` which highlights unmatched data with the `CssLexer`.
Class CssSmartyLexer Subclass of the `SmartyLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `CssLexer`.
Class DjangoLexer Generic `django <>`_ and `jinja <>`_ template lexer.
Class ErbLexer Generic ERB (Ruby Templating) lexer.
Class EvoqueHtmlLexer Subclass of the `EvoqueLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `HtmlLexer`.
Class EvoqueLexer For files using the Evoque templating system.
Class EvoqueXmlLexer Subclass of the `EvoqueLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `XmlLexer`.
Class GenshiLexer A lexer that highlights `genshi <>`_ and `kid <>`_ kid XML templates.
Class GenshiMarkupLexer Base lexer for Genshi markup, used by `HtmlGenshiLexer` and `GenshiLexer`.
Class GenshiTextLexer A lexer that highlights genshi text templates.
Class HandlebarsHtmlLexer Subclass of the `HandlebarsLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `HtmlLexer`.
Class HandlebarsLexer Generic handlebars template lexer.
Class HtmlDjangoLexer Subclass of the `DjangoLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `HtmlLexer`.
Class HtmlGenshiLexer A lexer that highlights `genshi <>`_ and `kid <>`_ kid HTML templates.
Class HtmlPhpLexer Subclass of `PhpLexer` that highlights unhandled data with the `HtmlLexer`.
Class HtmlSmartyLexer Subclass of the `SmartyLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `HtmlLexer`.
Class JavascriptDjangoLexer Subclass of the `DjangoLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `JavascriptLexer`.
Class JavascriptErbLexer Subclass of `ErbLexer` which highlights unlexed data with the `JavascriptLexer`.
Class JavascriptGenshiLexer A lexer that highlights javascript code in genshi text templates.
Class JavascriptPhpLexer Subclass of `PhpLexer` which highlights unmatched data with the `JavascriptLexer`.
Class JavascriptSmartyLexer Subclass of the `SmartyLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `JavascriptLexer`.
Class JspLexer Lexer for Java Server Pages.
Class JspRootLexer Base for the `JspLexer`. Yields `Token.Other` for area outside of JSP tags.
Class LassoCssLexer Subclass of the `LassoLexer` which highlights unhandled data with the `CssLexer`.
Class LassoHtmlLexer Subclass of the `LassoLexer` which highlights unhandled data with the `HtmlLexer`.
Class LassoJavascriptLexer Subclass of the `LassoLexer` which highlights unhandled data with the `JavascriptLexer`.
Class LassoXmlLexer Subclass of the `LassoLexer` which highlights unhandled data with the `XmlLexer`.
Class LiquidLexer Lexer for Liquid templates.
Class MakoCssLexer Subclass of the `MakoLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `CssLexer`.
Class MakoHtmlLexer Subclass of the `MakoLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `HtmlLexer`.
Class MakoJavascriptLexer Subclass of the `MakoLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `JavascriptLexer`.
Class MakoLexer Generic mako templates lexer. Code that isn't Mako markup is yielded as `Token.Other`.
Class MakoXmlLexer Subclass of the `MakoLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `XmlLexer`.
Class MasonLexer Generic mason templates lexer. Stolen from Myghty lexer. Code that isn't Mason markup is HTML.
Class MyghtyCssLexer Subclass of the `MyghtyLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `CssLexer`.
Class MyghtyHtmlLexer Subclass of the `MyghtyLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `HtmlLexer`.
Class MyghtyJavascriptLexer Subclass of the `MyghtyLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `JavascriptLexer`.
Class MyghtyLexer Generic myghty templates lexer. Code that isn't Myghty markup is yielded as `Token.Other`.
Class MyghtyXmlLexer Subclass of the `MyghtyLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `XmlLexer`.
Class RhtmlLexer Subclass of the ERB lexer that highlights the unlexed data with the html lexer.
Class SmartyLexer Generic Smarty template lexer.
Class SqlJinjaLexer Templated SQL lexer.
Class SspLexer Lexer for Scalate Server Pages.
Class TeaTemplateLexer Lexer for `Tea Templates <>`_.
Class TeaTemplateRootLexer Base for the `TeaTemplateLexer`. Yields `Token.Other` for area outside of code blocks.
Class TwigHtmlLexer Subclass of the `TwigLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `HtmlLexer`.
Class TwigLexer Twig template lexer.
Class VelocityHtmlLexer Subclass of the `VelocityLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `HtmlLexer`.
Class VelocityLexer Generic Velocity template lexer.
Class VelocityXmlLexer Subclass of the `VelocityLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `XmlLexer`.
Class XmlDjangoLexer Subclass of the `DjangoLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `XmlLexer`.
Class XmlErbLexer Subclass of `ErbLexer` which highlights data outside preprocessor directives with the `XmlLexer`.
Class XmlPhpLexer Subclass of `PhpLexer` that highlights unhandled data with the `XmlLexer`.
Class XmlSmartyLexer Subclass of the `SmartyLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `XmlLexer`.
Class YamlJinjaLexer Subclass of the `DjangoLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `YamlLexer`.