module documentation

pygments.lexers.typoscript ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lexers for TypoScript `TypoScriptLexer` A TypoScript lexer. `TypoScriptCssDataLexer` Lexer that highlights markers, constants and registers within css. `TypoScriptHtmlDataLexer` Lexer that highlights markers, constants and registers within html tags. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

Class TypoScriptCssDataLexer Lexer that highlights markers, constants and registers within css blocks.
Class TypoScriptHtmlDataLexer Lexer that highlights markers, constants and registers within html tags.
Class TypoScriptLexer Lexer for TypoScript code.