class documentation

Walk on the project tree and resolve relationships. According to options the following attributes may be added to visited nodes: * uid, a unique identifier for the node (on astroid.Project, astroid.Module, astroid.Class and astroid.locals_type). Only if the linker has been instantiated with tag=True parameter (False by default). * Function a mapping from locals names to their bounded value, which may be a constant like a string or an integer, or an astroid node (on astroid.Module, astroid.Class and astroid.Function). * instance_attrs_type as locals_type but for klass member attributes (only on astroid.Class) * associations_type as instance_attrs_type but for association relationships * aggregations_type as instance_attrs_type but for aggregations relationships * implements, list of implemented interface _objects_ (only on astroid.Class nodes)

Static Method handle_assignattr_type Handle an astroid.assignattr node.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method compute_module Should the module be added to dependencies ?
Method visit_assignname Visit an astroid.AssignName node.
Method visit_classdef Visit an astroid.Class node.
Method visit_functiondef Visit an astroid.Function node.
Method visit_import Visit an astroid.Import node.
Method visit_importfrom Visit an astroid.ImportFrom node.
Method visit_module Visit an astroid.Module node.
Method visit_project Visit a pyreverse.utils.Project node.
Instance Variable associations_handler Undocumented
Instance Variable project Undocumented
Instance Variable tag Undocumented
Method _imported_module Notify an imported module, used to analyze dependencies.

Inherited from IdGeneratorMixIn:

Method generate_id Generate a new identifier.
Method init_counter Init the id counter.
Instance Variable id_count Undocumented

Inherited from LocalsVisitor (via IdGeneratorMixIn):

Method get_callbacks Get callbacks from handler for the visited node.
Method visit Launch the visit starting from the given node.
Instance Variable _cache Undocumented
Instance Variable _visited Undocumented
def handle_assignattr_type(node: nodes.AssignAttr, parent: nodes.ClassDef): (source)

Handle an astroid.assignattr node. handle instance_attrs_type

def __init__(self, project: Project, tag: bool = False): (source)
def compute_module(self, context_name: str, mod_path: str) -> bool: (source)

Should the module be added to dependencies ?

def visit_assignname(self, node: nodes.AssignName): (source)

Visit an astroid.AssignName node. handle locals_type

def visit_classdef(self, node: nodes.ClassDef): (source)

Visit an astroid.Class node. * set the locals_type and instance_attrs_type mappings * set the implements list and build it * optionally tag the node with a unique id

def visit_functiondef(self, node: nodes.FunctionDef): (source)

Visit an astroid.Function node. * set the locals_type mapping * optionally tag the node with a unique id

def visit_import(self, node: nodes.Import): (source)

Visit an astroid.Import node. resolve module dependencies

def visit_importfrom(self, node: nodes.ImportFrom): (source)

Visit an astroid.ImportFrom node. resolve module dependencies

def visit_module(self, node: nodes.Module): (source)

Visit an astroid.Module node. * set the locals_type mapping * set the depends mapping * optionally tag the node with a unique id

def visit_project(self, node: Project): (source)

Visit a pyreverse.utils.Project node. * optionally tag the node with a unique id

associations_handler = (source)




def _imported_module(self, node: nodes.Import|nodes.ImportFrom, mod_path: str, relative: bool): (source)

Notify an imported module, used to analyze dependencies.