module documentation

Visitor doing some post-processing on the astroid tree. Try to resolve definitions (namespace) dictionary, relationship...

Class AbstractAssociationHandler Chain of Responsibility for handling types of association, useful to expand in the future if we want to add more distinct associations.
Class AggregationsHandler Undocumented
Class AssociationHandlerInterface Undocumented
Class IdGeneratorMixIn Mixin adding the ability to generate integer uid.
Class Linker Walk on the project tree and resolve relationships.
Class OtherAssociationsHandler Undocumented
Class Project A project handle a set of modules / packages.
Function interfaces Return an iterator on interfaces implemented by the given class node.
Function project_from_files Return a Project from a list of files or modules.
Function _astroid_wrapper Undocumented
Type Alias _WrapperFuncT Undocumented
def interfaces(node: nodes.ClassDef) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: (source)

Return an iterator on interfaces implemented by the given class node.

def project_from_files(files: list[str], func_wrapper: _WrapperFuncT = _astroid_wrapper, project_name: str = 'no name', black_list: tuple[str, ...] = constants.DEFAULT_IGNORE_LIST) -> Project: (source)

Return a Project from a list of files or modules.

def _astroid_wrapper(func: Callable[[str], nodes.Module], modname: str) -> nodes.Module|None: (source)


_WrapperFuncT = (source)


Callable[[Callable[[str], nodes.Module], str], Optional[nodes.Module]]