class documentation

class NmapOSClass(object): (source)

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NmapOSClass offers an unified API to access data from analysed osclass tag. As implemented in libnmap and newer version of nmap, osclass objects will always be embedded in a NmapOSMatch. Unmatched NmapOSClass will be stored in "dummy" NmapOSMatch objects which will have the particularity of have a line attribute of -1. On top of this, NmapOSClass will have optional CPE objects embedded.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Property accuracy Accessor for OS class detection accuracy (int)
Property cpelist Returns a list of CPE Objects matching with this os class
Property description Accessor helper which returns a concataned string of the valuable attributes from NmapOSClass object
Property osfamily Accessor for OS family information (Windows, Linux,...)
Property osgen Accessor for OS class generation (7, 8, 2.4.X,...).
Property type Accessor for OS class type (general purpose,...)
Property vendor Accessor for vendor information (Microsoft, Linux,...)
Instance Variable _accuracy Undocumented
Instance Variable _cpelist Undocumented
Instance Variable _osfamily Undocumented
Instance Variable _osgen Undocumented
Instance Variable _type Undocumented
Instance Variable _vendor Undocumented
def __init__(self, osclass_dict): (source)


def __repr__(self): (source)


Accessor for OS class detection accuracy (int) :return: int

Returns a list of CPE Objects matching with this os class :return: list of CPE objects :rtype: Array

description = (source)

Accessor helper which returns a concataned string of the valuable attributes from NmapOSClass object :return: string

Accessor for OS family information (Windows, Linux,...) :return: string

Accessor for OS class generation (7, 8, 2.4.X,...). :return: string

Accessor for OS class type (general purpose,...) :return: string

Accessor for vendor information (Microsoft, Linux,...) :return: string

_accuracy = (source)


_cpelist: list = (source)


_osfamily = (source)



