class documentation

class NmapOSMatch(object): (source)

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NmapOSMatch is an internal class used for offering results from an nmap os fingerprint. This common interfaces makes a compatibility between old nmap xml (<1.04) and new nmap xml versions (used in nmapv6 for instance). In previous xml version, osclass tags from nmap fingerprints were not directly mapped to a osmatch. In new xml version, osclass could be embedded in osmatch tag. The approach to solve this is to create a common class which will, for older xml version, match based on the accuracy osclass to an osmatch. If no match, an osmatch will be made up from a concat of os class attributes: vendor and osfamily. Unmatched osclass will have a line attribute of -1. More info, see issue #26 or

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method add_osclass Add a NmapOSClass object to the OSMatch object. This method is useful to implement compatibility with older versions of NMAP by providing a common interface to access os fingerprint data.
Method get_cpe This method return a list of cpe stings and not CPE objects as the NmapOSClass.cpelist property. This method is a helper to simplify data management.
Property accuracy Accessor for accuracy
Property line Accessor for line attribute as integer. value equals -1 if this osmatch holds orphans NmapOSClass objects. This could happen with older version of nmap xml engine (<1.04 (e.g: nmapv6)).
Property name Accessor for name attribute (e.g.: Linux 2.4.26 (Slackware 10.0.0))
Property osclasses Accessor for all NmapOSClass objects matching with this OS Match
Instance Variable _accuracy Undocumented
Instance Variable _line Undocumented
Instance Variable _name Undocumented
Instance Variable _osclasses Undocumented
def __init__(self, osmatch_dict): (source)


def __repr__(self): (source)


def add_osclass(self, osclass_obj): (source)

Add a NmapOSClass object to the OSMatch object. This method is useful to implement compatibility with older versions of NMAP by providing a common interface to access os fingerprint data.

def get_cpe(self): (source)

This method return a list of cpe stings and not CPE objects as the NmapOSClass.cpelist property. This method is a helper to simplify data management. For more advanced handling of CPE data, use NmapOSClass.cpelist and use the methods from CPE class

Accessor for accuracy :return: int

Accessor for line attribute as integer. value equals -1 if this osmatch holds orphans NmapOSClass objects. This could happen with older version of nmap xml engine (<1.04 (e.g: nmapv6)). :return: int

Accessor for name attribute (e.g.: Linux 2.4.26 (Slackware 10.0.0))

Accessor for all NmapOSClass objects matching with this OS Match

_accuracy = (source)




_osclasses: list = (source)
