class documentation

class NmapOSFingerprint(object): (source)

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NmapOSFingerprint is a easier API for using os fingerprinting. Data for OS fingerprint (<os> tag) is instantiated from a NmapOSFingerprint which is accessible in NmapHost via NmapHost.os

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method get_osmatch This function enables NmapOSFingerprint to determine if an NmapOSClass object could be attached to an existing NmapOSMatch object in order to respect the common interface for the nmap xml version < 1.04 and >= 1...
Method os_cpelist Undocumented
Method osclass Undocumented
Method osmatch Undocumented
Property fingerprint Undocumented
Property fingerprints Undocumented
Property osclasses Undocumented
Property osmatches Undocumented
Property ports_used Return an array of OSFPPortUsed object with the ports used to perform the os fingerprint. This dict might contain another dict embedded containing the ports_reason values.
Method _add_dummy_osmatch This functions creates a dummy NmapOSMatch object in order to encapsulate an NmapOSClass object which was not matched with an existing NmapOSMatch object
Instance Variable __fingerprints Undocumented
Instance Variable __osmatches Undocumented
Instance Variable __ports_used Undocumented
def __init__(self, osfp_data): (source)


def __repr__(self): (source)


def get_osmatch(self, osclass_obj): (source)

This function enables NmapOSFingerprint to determine if an NmapOSClass object could be attached to an existing NmapOSMatch object in order to respect the common interface for the nmap xml version < 1.04 and >= 1.04 This method will return an NmapOSMatch object matching with the NmapOSClass provided in parameter (match is performed based on accuracy) :return: NmapOSMatch object

def os_cpelist(self): (source)


def osclass(self, min_accuracy=90): (source)


def osmatch(self, min_accuracy=90): (source)


fingerprint = (source)


fingerprints = (source)




Return an array of OSFPPortUsed object with the ports used to perform the os fingerprint. This dict might contain another dict embedded containing the ports_reason values.

def _add_dummy_osmatch(self, osclass_obj): (source)

This functions creates a dummy NmapOSMatch object in order to encapsulate an NmapOSClass object which was not matched with an existing NmapOSMatch object

__fingerprints: list = (source)


__osmatches: list = (source)


__ports_used: list = (source)
