class documentation

class XmlRpcRequest(Request): (source)

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Method __init__ Undocumented

Inherited from Request:

Class Method from_curl Create a Request object from a string containing a `cURL <>`_ command. It populates the HTTP method, the URL, the headers, the cookies and the body. It accepts the same arguments as the :class:`Request` class, taking preference and overriding the values of the same arguments contained in the cURL command.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method copy Undocumented
Method replace Create a new Request with the same attributes except for those given new values
Method to_dict Return a dictionary containing the Request's data.
Class Variable attributes A tuple of :class:`str` objects containing the name of all public attributes of the class that are also keyword parameters of the ``__init__`` method.
Class Variable body Undocumented
Class Variable url Undocumented
Instance Variable callback Undocumented
Instance Variable cookies Undocumented
Instance Variable dont_filter Undocumented
Instance Variable errback Undocumented
Instance Variable flags Undocumented
Instance Variable headers Undocumented
Instance Variable method Undocumented
Instance Variable priority Undocumented
Property cb_kwargs Undocumented
Property encoding Undocumented
Property meta Undocumented
Method _get_body Undocumented
Method _get_url Undocumented
Method _set_body Undocumented
Method _set_url Undocumented
Instance Variable _body Undocumented
Instance Variable _cb_kwargs Undocumented
Instance Variable _encoding Undocumented
Instance Variable _meta Undocumented
Instance Variable _url Undocumented

Inherited from object_ref (via Request):

Method __new__ Undocumented
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, *args, encoding: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): (source)
