class documentation

class StrictVersion(Version): (source)

View In Hierarchy

Version numbering for anal retentives and software idealists. Implements the standard interface for version number classes as described above. A version number consists of two or three dot-separated numeric components, with an optional "pre-release" tag on the end. The pre-release tag consists of the letter 'a' or 'b' followed by a number. If the numeric components of two version numbers are equal, then one with a pre-release tag will always be deemed earlier (lesser) than one without. The following are valid version numbers (shown in the order that would be obtained by sorting according to the supplied cmp function): 0.4 0.4.0 (these two are equivalent) 0.4.1 0.5a1 0.5b3 0.5 0.9.6 1.0 1.0.4a3 1.0.4b1 1.0.4 The following are examples of invalid version numbers: 1 1.3.a4 1.3pl1 1.3c4 The rationale for this version numbering system will be explained in the distutils documentation.

Method __str__ Undocumented
Method parse Undocumented
Class Variable version_re Undocumented
Instance Variable prerelease Undocumented
Instance Variable version Undocumented
Method _cmp Undocumented

Inherited from Version:

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __ge__ Undocumented
Method __gt__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __le__ Undocumented
Method __lt__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
def __str__(self): (source)


def parse(self, vstring): (source)


version_re = (source)


prerelease = (source)



def _cmp(self, other): (source)
