module documentation

Provides classes to represent module version numbers (one class for each style of version numbering). There are currently two such classes implemented: StrictVersion and LooseVersion. Every version number class implements the following interface: * the 'parse' method takes a string and parses it to some internal representation; if the string is an invalid version number, 'parse' raises a ValueError exception * the class constructor takes an optional string argument which, if supplied, is passed to 'parse' * __str__ reconstructs the string that was passed to 'parse' (or an equivalent string -- ie. one that will generate an equivalent version number instance) * __repr__ generates Python code to recreate the version number instance * _cmp compares the current instance with either another instance of the same class or a string (which will be parsed to an instance of the same class, thus must follow the same rules)

Class LooseVersion Version numbering for anarchists and software realists. Implements the standard interface for version number classes as described above. A version number consists of a series of numbers, separated by either periods or strings of letters...
Class StrictVersion Version numbering for anal retentives and software idealists. Implements the standard interface for version number classes as described above. A version number consists of two or three dot-separated numeric components, with an optional "pre-release" tag on the end...
Class Version Abstract base class for version numbering classes. Just provides constructor (__init__) and reproducer (__repr__), because those seem to be the same for all version numbering classes; and route rich comparisons to _cmp.
Function suppress_known_deprecation Undocumented
def suppress_known_deprecation(): (source)
