module documentation

Module for parsing and testing package version predicate strings.

Class VersionPredicate Parse and test package version predicates.
Function split_provision Return the name and optional version number of a provision.
Function splitUp Parse a single version comparison.
Variable compmap Undocumented
Variable re_paren Undocumented
Variable re_splitComparison Undocumented
Variable re_validPackage Undocumented
Variable _provision_rx Undocumented
def split_provision(value): (source)

Return the name and optional version number of a provision. The version number, if given, will be returned as a `StrictVersion` instance, otherwise it will be `None`. >>> split_provision('mypkg') ('mypkg', None) >>> split_provision(' mypkg( 1.2 ) ') ('mypkg', StrictVersion ('1.2'))

def splitUp(pred): (source)

Parse a single version comparison. Return (comparison string, StrictVersion)


re_paren = (source)


re_splitComparison = (source)


re_validPackage = (source)


_provision_rx = (source)
