class documentation

A degenerate finder for distribution packages on the file system. This finder supplies only a find_distributions() method for versions of Python that do not have a PathFinder find_distributions().

Method find_distributions Find distributions.
Method invalidate_caches Undocumented
Class Method _search_paths Find metadata directories in paths heuristically.

Inherited from NullFinder:

Static Method find_spec Undocumented

Inherited from DistributionFinder (via NullFinder):

Class Context Keyword arguments presented by the caller to ``distributions()`` or ```` to narrow the scope of a search for distributions in all DistributionFinders.
def find_distributions(self, context=DistributionFinder.Context()): (source)

Find distributions. Return an iterable of all Distribution instances capable of loading the metadata for packages matching ```` (or all names if ``None`` indicated) along the paths in the list of directories ``context.path``.

def invalidate_caches(cls): (source)


def _search_paths(cls, name, paths): (source)

Find metadata directories in paths heuristically.