module documentation


Class NullFinder A "Finder" (aka "MetaClassFinder") that never finds any modules, but may find distributions.
Function disable_stdlib_finder Give the backport primacy for discovering path-based distributions by monkey-patching the stdlib O_O.
Function install Class decorator for installation on sys.meta_path.
Function pypy_partial Adjust for variable stacklevel on partial under PyPy.
def disable_stdlib_finder(): (source)

Give the backport primacy for discovering path-based distributions by monkey-patching the stdlib O_O. See #91 for more background for rationale on this sketchy behavior.

def install(cls): (source)

Class decorator for installation on sys.meta_path. Adds the backport DistributionFinder to sys.meta_path and attempts to disable the finder functionality of the stdlib DistributionFinder.

def pypy_partial(val): (source)

Adjust for variable stacklevel on partial under PyPy. Workaround for #327.