class documentation


Class Method patch Replace distutils.dist.Distribution with this class for the duration of this context.
Method fetch_build_eggs Resolve pre-setup requirements

Inherited from Distribution:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method exclude Remove items from distribution that are named in keyword arguments
Method exclude_package Remove packages, modules, and extensions in named package
Method fetch_build_egg Fetch an egg needed for building
Method finalize_options Allow plugins to apply arbitrary operations to the distribution. Each hook may optionally define a 'order' to influence the order of execution. Smaller numbers go first and the default is 0.
Method get_cmdline_options Return a '{cmd: {opt:val}}' map of all command-line options
Method get_command_class Pluggable version of get_command_class()
Method get_command_list Undocumented
Method get_egg_cache_dir Undocumented
Method handle_display_options If there were any non-global "display-only" options (--help-commands or the metadata display options) on the command line, display the requested info and return true; else return false.
Method has_contents_for Return true if 'exclude_package(package)' would do something
Method include Add items to distribution that are named in keyword arguments
Method iter_distribution_names Yield all packages, modules, and extension names in distribution
Method make_option_lowercase Undocumented
Method parse_config_files Parses configuration files from various levels and loads configuration.
Method patch_missing_pkg_info Undocumented
Method print_commands Undocumented
Method run_command Undocumented
Method warn_dash_deprecation Undocumented
Instance Variable dependency_links Undocumented
Instance Variable dist_files Undocumented
Instance Variable ext_modules Undocumented
Instance Variable extras_require Undocumented
Instance Variable global_options Undocumented
Instance Variable install_requires Undocumented
Instance Variable negative_opt Undocumented
Instance Variable package_data Undocumented
Instance Variable packages Undocumented
Instance Variable py_modules Undocumented
Instance Variable set_defaults Undocumented
Instance Variable setup_requires Undocumented
Instance Variable src_root Undocumented
Static Method _expand_patterns >>> list(Distribution._expand_patterns(['LICENSE'])) ['LICENSE'] >>> list(Distribution._expand_patterns(['setup.cfg', 'LIC*'])) ['setup.cfg', 'LICENSE']
Static Method _normalize_version Undocumented
Static Method _removed When removing an entry point, if metadata is loaded from an older version of Setuptools, that removed entry point will attempt to be loaded and will fail. See #2765 for more details.
Static Method _suffix_for For a requirement, return the 'extras_require' suffix for that requirement.
Static Method _validate_version Undocumented
Method _clean_req Given a Requirement, remove environment markers and return it.
Method _convert_extras_requirements Convert requirements in `extras_require` of the form `"extra": ["barbazquux; {marker}"]` to `"extra:{marker}": ["barbazquux"]`.
Method _exclude_misc Handle 'exclude()' for list/tuple attrs without a special handler
Method _exclude_packages Undocumented
Method _finalize_license_files Compute names of all license files which should be included.
Method _finalize_requires Set `metadata.python_requires` and fix environment markers in `install_requires` and `extras_require`.
Method _finalize_setup_keywords Undocumented
Method _get_project_config_files Add default file and split between INI and TOML
Method _include_misc Handle 'include()' for list/tuple attrs without a special handler
Method _move_install_requirements_markers Move requirements in `install_requires` that are using environment markers `extras_require`.
Method _parse_command_opts Undocumented
Method _parse_config_files Adapted from distutils.dist.Distribution.parse_config_files, this method provides the same functionality in subtly-improved ways.
Method _set_command_options Set the options for 'command_obj' from 'option_dict'. Basically this means copying elements of a dictionary ('option_dict') to attributes of an instance ('command').
Method _set_metadata_defaults Fill-in missing metadata fields not supported by distutils. Some fields may have been set by other tools (e.g. pbr). Those fields (vars(self.metadata)) take precedence to supplied attrs.
Method _setuptools_commands Undocumented
Method _validate_metadata Undocumented
Instance Variable _orig_extras_require Undocumented
Instance Variable _orig_install_requires Undocumented
Instance Variable _patched_dist Undocumented
Instance Variable _referenced_files Undocumented
Instance Variable _tmp_extras_require Undocumented

Replace distutils.dist.Distribution with this class for the duration of this context.

def fetch_build_eggs(self, specifiers): (source)

Resolve pre-setup requirements