class documentation

class _BuildMetaLegacyBackend(_BuildMetaBackend): (source)

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Compatibility backend for setuptools This is a version of setuptools.build_meta that endeavors to maintain backwards compatibility with pre-PEP 517 modes of invocation. It exists as a temporary bridge between the old packaging mechanism and the new packaging mechanism, and will eventually be removed.

Method run_setup Undocumented

Inherited from _BuildMetaBackend:

Method build_editable Undocumented
Method build_sdist Undocumented
Method build_wheel Undocumented
Method get_requires_for_build_editable Undocumented
Method get_requires_for_build_sdist Undocumented
Method get_requires_for_build_wheel Undocumented
Method prepare_metadata_for_build_editable Undocumented
Method prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel Undocumented
Method _bubble_up_info_directory PEP 517 requires that the .dist-info directory be placed in the metadata_directory. To comply, we MUST copy the directory to the root.
Method _build_with_temp_dir Undocumented
Method _find_info_directory Undocumented
Method _get_build_requires Undocumented
Method _get_dist_info_dir Undocumented

Inherited from _ConfigSettingsTranslator (via _BuildMetaBackend):

Method __dist_info_args The ``dist_info`` command accepts ``tag-date`` and ``tag-build``.
Method _arbitrary_args Users may expect to pass arbitrary lists of arguments to a command via "--global-option" (example provided in PEP 517 of a "escape hatch").
Method _editable_args The ``editable_wheel`` command accepts ``editable-mode=strict``.
Method _get_config Get the value of a specific key in ``config_settings`` as a list of strings.
Method _global_args Let the user specify ``verbose`` or ``quiet`` + escape hatch via ``--global-option``. Note: ``-v``, ``-vv``, ``-vvv`` have similar effects in setuptools, so we just have to cover the basic scenario ``-v``.
Method _valid_global_options Global options accepted by setuptools (e.g. quiet or verbose).
def run_setup(self, setup_script=''): (source)