package documentation


Module error_reporting No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 0/6 constant, 1/2 function, 0/2 class documented
Module extra_validations The purpose of this module is implement PEP 621 validations that are difficult to express as a JSON Schema (or that are not supported by the current JSON Schema library).
Module fastjsonschema_exceptions No module docstring; 0/1 constant, 1/1 exception documented
Module fastjsonschema_validations Undocumented
Module formats No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 0/10 constant, 1/15 function, 1/1 class documented


Exception JsonSchemaException Base exception of ``fastjsonschema`` library.
Exception JsonSchemaValueException Exception raised by validation function. Available properties:
Exception ValidationError Report violations of a given JSON schema.
Function validate Validate the given ``data`` object using JSON Schema This function raises ``ValidationError`` if ``data`` is invalid.
Constant EXTRA_VALIDATIONS Undocumented
Constant FORMAT_FUNCTIONS Undocumented


FORMAT_FUNCTIONS: Dict[str, Callable[[str], bool]] = (source)


{fn.__name__.replace('_', '-'): fn for fn in formats.__dict__.values() if 
    callable(fn) and not fn.__name__.startswith('_')}
def validate(data: Any) -> bool: (source)

Validate the given ``data`` object using JSON Schema This function raises ``ValidationError`` if ``data`` is invalid.